My timing seems to be impeccable, as I’m certain they’re coming upstairs to have sex.

“Where you off to, mate?” Jack sticks his head in the open door, looking me up and down. Notices me struggling and enters the room, automatically coming over and smacking my hands away from the silk fabric between my fingers. “You do it like this. We’ll do a Windsor knot, it’s easiest.”

Eliza plops down on the bed and crosses her legs.

Meanwhile, Jack is rambling on as he overlaps and tugs and tosses the tie around. “Here, perfecting the dimple takes practice, but I have faith in you, chap. All you’ve got to do is pinch the tie with your thumb and middle finger—like this. Then use your index finger to keep the dimple in place as you tighten.”

Uh-huh. Yeah, I’ll probably never do that, but okay.

“You are so sexy when you talk like that, babe,” Eliza croons. “You’re so fancy.”

My roommate puffs out his chest as he takes a step back to survey his handiwork.

“We’ve all got our talents, babe. I’m shite at rugby, but I’m a masterful tie tier, which serves no actual purpose ’cept helping my flatmate.” He slaps me on the bicep. “So where are you off to?”

I take another look at myself in the mirror and raise my brows. Jack just did in twenty seconds what I couldn’t do in twenty minutes.

“Actually, I have a date.”

Eliza sits up straight, interested. “With who?”

“Lilly.” Is that pride in my voice?

“Lilly! Our Lilly? Why didn’t you say anything?! Where are you going? Oh my god, why didn’t she tell me the two of you are going out? That little sneak.” Eliza glances up at me expectantly. “Are the two of you dating? Like, dating dating?”

“Gonna give it the old college try.”

Eliza rises, clapping her hands. “Oh I love this.” She wraps me in a hug and squeezes. “You’ll be so good for her—and she’ll be good for you. I think opposites in a couple is a good thing.”

“What are you doing on your date?” Jack asks, taking Eliza by the hand, the two of them walking back into the hallway, destination obviously their bedroom.

“I’ll let her tell you after the date.”

“You little brat! I want to know what the plan is!” Eliza pouts. “That’s mean.”

“Come on, love, let’s leave him be. He looks like he’s going to piss his trousers.”

We all glance down at my navy dress pants. “Should I change into jeans?”

Eliza studies me. “Erm. If I knew where you were going it would be easier for me to answer that question. Fancy dinner?”

I shrug. “Nice but maybe not super fancy?”

She nods. “Then I would put jeans on. Love jeans and a button-down shirt with a tie—super on trend.”

“I’ve never in my life been on trend.”

Jack gives her a gentle nudge. “Have a fun night—give us the details when you get back.”

“Unless you’re not coming back alone.” Eliza wiggles her eyebrows. “Hang a sock on your doorknob if you want privacy.”

Jack looks down at her. “When have we ever put a sock on our knob when we’ve shagged? Is that an American thing?”

She laughs. “I think it’s something they do in movies, but might be fun for us to start.”

He shakes his head vehemently. “Yeah—we’re not putting a sock on our doorknob. I’d feel like a wanker.”

“I should be going, so if I’m going to change my pants…” I give them both a pointed look, and they make their goodbyes before disappearing into their room and shutting the door behind them.

Off come my pressed pants.

On go a pair of jeans.

Thanks, Mom, for turning me into a nerd.

Lilly is waiting at the door when I fetch her from her house, smiling radiantly when she steps outside into the frigid cold. Kisses me on the cheek before threading her hand through my arm.

“Where are we going?” I haven’t told her either.

“You’ll see.”

Her grin gets wider. “No one has ever surprised me with a date before—I’m so excited.”

Same, Lilly. Same.

The butterflies in my stomach churn as we head out of town to the next one over, laughing and listening to the radio, my date in charge of finding a station.

When we arrive, Lilly gazes curiously out the window. “The ski hill? Why are we at a ski hill?”

She’s wearing a dress and heels—and a dressy winter coat—but it’s perfect for what we’ll be doing.

“You’ll see.”

“Stop being so cryptic! You’re giving me high blood pressure.”

We unbuckle, but before she can open her door, I tell her to, “Wait here.”

Quickly get to the passenger side and play the perfect gentleman by opening it for her.

“Aww, thank you.”

Our shoes crunch on the ground covered in a thin layer of snow. In the near distance, the gondola moves in tandem with the chair lifts to the top of the small “mountain,” the entire hill lit up by bright lights and moonlight.