I have a feeling Roman would be the same way.

We lie there listening to the sound of the other breathing, and I’m tempted to check the time but afraid it’s going to be so late I’ll start doing how many more hours of sleep can I still get math, which will only depress me if it’s not a lot.

The fact that I haven’t even thought about Kyle once this entire time is not lost on me; he just popped into my brain after I’ve been lying here for well over an hour. That’s good news considering he showed up at my house unannounced, which normally would have had my mind reeling with questions.

I think I’m starting to move on. Yes, it’s only been two weeks, but I’m in a really good place already. Thrilling because it normally takes me more time to get over someone and move on.

Just goes to show you how insignificant someone actually is in your life even after spending four months in it. What did Kyle bring to the table other than good looks and a hot body? I never actually had fun with him, and the relationship was so stressful.

“It sounds like you’re thinking really hard over there.”

I turn my head in Roman’s direction as his voice comes out of the dark. “You can’t hear me thinking, silly.”

“Sure I can.” He goes quiet again for a few seconds before asking, “So? Am I right?”

“Yes, you’re right. I am thinking really hard over here but didn’t realize you could hear it.” I laugh quietly, snuggling down deeper. This bed is just so comfortable I could sleep here every night.

“We deep thinkers recognize other deep thinkers.”

Roman thinks I’m a deep thinker? For some reason that thought warms my stomach and my cheeks. Does that also mean he thinks I’m smart?

“I’m sorry if I’m keeping you up,” I tell him somewhat guiltily.

“You’re not keeping me up—if I was actually tired, I would pass out and be dead to the world. Nothing you could do would be able to wake me up.”

Nothing? I think to myself with a smile in the dark.

Not even a blow job?

Or me fondling his balls?

I keep these thoughts to myself, knowing they would horrify him—he’s not at all like me in that way. I like sex; it doesn’t seem like that is a priority for him at all.

Then again, what would I know? I don’t actually really know Roman.

Still, for him to say nothing could keep him awake or wake him from a slumber makes me want to challenge him. He has no idea what he’s even saying.

“We should probably try to sleep now, huh?” I don’t want to, but it’s probably for the best. If I keep babbling on, neither of us is going to get any rest. Soon the sun will be up and we will have to wake and get to class or practice or whatever he has to do this morning. I still have to be driven home so I can change and grab my workout gear.



“Shoot,” I say out loud, breaking my own oath to keep my mouth shut and try to sleep. “Are you okay driving me home in the morning? I’m sorry. I guess I could call an Uber or something.” That would make the most sense, wouldn’t it? So I don’t have to trouble him?

“I can drive you home. I’m going that way anyway. What time do you have to be on campus?”

“Not too early, around eight o’clock would be good.”

“I’m an early riser, so eight is a piece of cake. We should get some sleep though so we’re not exhausted in the morning. I can run us to Starbucks, too, if you like.”

He is too, too sweet.

“Roman?” I say his name in the dark, liking the sound of it on my tongue.


“Thanks for bringing me home with you tonight and for feeding me. That was really nice of you to do. You didn’t have to invite me.”

“I know I didn’t have to invite you—I wanted to.” He’s silent for a few seconds. “Thanks for tolerating my bizarre family.”

“Bizarre? They are awesome. I wish my family was half as unique.”

“Is that your polite way of saying weird?”

“No, I genuinely think they’re amazing. Especially your dad—he really rolls with the punches, doesn’t he? I can tell nothing fazes him.”

“Not anymore,” Roman tells me. “Used to be a little higher strung because of his job, but he’s really lightened up in the last few years. My great aunt kind of has a way about her that brings out the best in people. I think my dad is just appreciative of the fact that we’re all healthy and alive.”

“Did all that change after your grandma died?”

“Yeah, the big change happened after my grandma died. No one actually wants to move their elderly relatives in with them, but my parents have been great because Aunt Myrtle used to live with my grandma, so you can imagine how lonely and sad she was after she passed. She lost her best friend and kind of went off the deep end, dating and sleeping with all these old dudes to fill that void. So it’s really good for her, too, being in our house.”