All that was left was for Arya to arrive so I could grab her and run. Finally, I checked my watch and saw she was due to arrive any minute. Breaker, who was manning the gate, texted to tell me she’d arrived. There was laughter in his voice that I didn’t understand, but at that moment, I didn’t give a fuck about anything but getting to my girl. I took the stairs two at a time, nearly plowing into a couple of brothers in my haste to get to the front door.

I stepped outside just in time to watch a woman riding up to the clubhouse on a motorcycle. Her face was hidden by a visor on her helmet, protecting her eyes from the bright, sunny day. But I would’ve known that body anywhere.

Holy fucking shit.

The sight of my woman with a bike between her pretty thighs had me so hard I wasn’t sure I’d be able to straddle my own hog. The need to drag her upstairs and replace the machine with my cock between her legs was almost overwhelming. The only thing that held me back was knowing it would be her first time. I was determined to take my time and make it perfect for her. And I knew once I got her in bed, we wouldn’t be leaving any time soon.

Arya came to stop next to my bike and kicked down her stand before turning off her engine. She unbuckled her helmet and pulled it off, shaking her head as all of her silky, dark hair spilled down her back.

I glanced around and was happy to see no one else nearby. She’d only removed her head gear, but I felt like she’d just put on a sexy strip tease. Would’ve meant blackening the eyes of anyone who’d seen the show she’d put on besides me.

Arya wore a smile on her gorgeous face as she swung one long, lithe limb over her ride and stood to face me.

I was having trouble forming words...a first for me. The brief thought of whether Nova knew about his sister’s ride filtered through my mind. It was sexy as fuck, and I doubted he would like the idea of other men seeing her like that anymore than I did. Since I seemed to have no control over my mouth when I talked to Arya, I growled, “Your brother know you’re riding around on a bike?” Though it was unintended, my words came out harsh and sounded like a scolding.



As Dax stalked across the parking lot toward me, I felt a rush of satisfaction run through my veins. I normally wouldn’t have chosen to ride my motorcycle this far, but after my conversation with Dax last week, I felt this irresistible urge to appear as sexy as possible when I showed up at the Silver Saints compound.

He’d startled me when he asked if I was on birth control, and I’d been a little worried that he’d want me to be protected before he took me to bed. Maybe it was just my inexperience talking, but I kind of didn’t want anything between us for my first time—not even a pill. And I definitely didn’t want to wait until a new prescription would kick in since my trip to surprise my brother—which had mostly been an excuse to see Dax—was sooner than that would take. I would’ve hated to miss out on the opportunity because of bad timing.

There was also the whole virginity thing, which had been super embarrassing to admit even though he’d seemed happy about it. The last thing I wanted was for Dax to see me as a little girl, no matter how much younger I was than him. My feelings for him were anything but childish.

My need for Dax to see me as a woman had pushed me into riding my bike here, and I refused to let go of the thrill I’d felt at the masculine appreciation in his green eyes before he scolded me. If Dax was going to give me a tongue lashing for being reckless, then I’d much prefer he do it with his actions and not words.

With that dirty thought rolling through my head, my cheeks filled with heat as I answered, “Nope. How would he? Nova didn’t even know I was coming since I’m supposed to be surprising him, remember?”

Getting close enough that I could reach out and stroke my fingers over his chest, he shook his head and chuckled. “I guess I asked for that with my dumbass question, huh?”

“Yeah, kinda.” I grinned at him and nodded.

He hooked his index finger through one of the front loops on my pants and yanked, making me stumble forward against his chest. “Better be careful with that sassy mouth, baby. It might earn you a spanking.”