
I’d had more fun over the past two weeks at the Silver Saints compound than I had since my dad died. Nova made sure of it since he insisted on sticking close to me around the clock. Our days were split between the garage and tattoo parlor while our nights were full of pleasure.

Dom had agreed to the apprenticeship, but Nova needed to get back to work at the tattoo parlor. We’d set up a schedule where we rotated between the two club-owned businesses, which worked out great. One day, I’d spend hours under the hood of the classic Jag, and the next, I’d get to watch Nova create amazing art using his customers’ skin as his canvas. I’d never thought about getting a tattoo before, but I was intrigued by the idea of sitting in Nova’s chair while he put his ink on me. But the place would have to be closed because there was a one-hundred-percent chance I’d end up naked and screaming his name by the time he was done...which was probably a big part of why I was tempted to get one. And maybe I was feeling a little needy because tomorrow was the first day we were going to spend apart since Nova had randomly decided he was okay with me being at the garage without him hovering over me.

Tracing my fingers over the black lines of the fierce eagle with its talons stretched out over his chest, I murmured, “Is there anything you’d want to tattoo onto me?”

He must not have thought I was being serious because his voice was filled with humor when he replied, “Yeah, my property patch right over your pussy.”

I poked my finger into his side before shifting position so I could meet his eyes. “I wasn’t joking around, Nova. I think maybe I want a tattoo.”

“When that maybe is a definitely, you can be damn sure I’ll jump at the chance to put my ink on you.” His hand drifted over my stomach. “But we’ll want to check to see if you’re pregnant first, so I’ll know if I need to be extra careful with you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Like you aren’t always ridiculously cautious when it comes to me.”

“Only because you mean everything to me.” His abdominal muscles flexed as he curled up to claim my mouth in a quick kiss. “Which is why you should take a pregnancy test, so we know for sure in case you decide you want my ink on you soon.”

“I can’t be pregnant,” I huffed with another roll of my eyes.

He arched one dark brow. “Wrong, angel. With the amount of come I’ve pumped into your pussy over the past two weeks, I’d be shocked as fuck if I haven’t knocked you up yet.”

“No, I can’t be. Not yet,” I whispered, shaking my head as I started to freak out.

“Shh, Rylee. Everything will be okay.” Nova stroked his palm down my back until I calmed down. Then he tilted my head back, his dark eyes worried when they met mine. “Why does the possibility of being pregnant with my baby scare you so much? Don’t you know how much I fucking love you?”

This was the first time he’d said those three little words—or four since he’d added the f-word in the middle of his declaration. I’d felt how much I meant to him because he showed me each and every day, but hearing him say it hit me right in the heart. I sniffled a little before I said, “It has nothing to do with how much we love each other.”

“You love me, too?”

His sexy smile made it difficult for me to focus on our conversation, even with how serious the topic was. “Of course, I do. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Then what’s the problem, angel?” he asked as his fingers sifted through my curls.

“You make me feel so safe that it’s so easy to forget why you had to come rescue me, but my life is still in danger.” My hand cupped my stomach as the horrific possibilities flashed through my head. “I’d never forgive myself if something happened to our baby because of me.”

“First of all, nothing is going to happen to you or our baby.” He yanked me up until I was sprawled over his body. “And whatever happens to anyone who’s tried to hurt you is their fault and not yours.”

There was something off about his tone, and I narrowed my eyes as I stared down at him. “Why do I feel as though you’re not telling me something? Usually, me reminding you about the danger I’m in would’ve amped up your already out-of-control protective instincts, but you seem oddly chill right now.”

“Why do I have a feeling it’s going to be damn hard to get anything past you?” he grumbled, pressing the back of his head against the pillow to stare up at the ceiling while he heaved a deep sigh.