Rylee hadn’t even noticed Dom because she was too busy drooling over the classic car. “You do restoration work here?” she asked nobody in particular. When I heard the longing in her voice, I smiled confidently.

“If you and your dad were fixing this up, what would you do?” I asked, waving Dom off to let him know to stay quiet.

She launched into a plan, exuding enthusiasm and bouncing on the balls of her feet. As she spoke, she walked around the car, reverently touching here and stroking there. I glanced at Dom to see his mouth open in surprise as he listened to her, his expression becoming more and more astonished.

She openly admitted when she came to a part she didn’t recognize or a technique she wasn’t sure about, which was just as impressive as the things she did know. When she was done, she sighed with longing again.

“Damn, sweetheart. You know your shit,” Dom said, his tone tinged with awe. I’d moved closer and whacked him on the back of the head before giving him a warning glance when he called her sweetheart.

“Angel, this asshole is Dom. He’s in charge of the restoration business for the garage.” She’d completely circled the car now and was close enough for me to pull her close and tuck her under my arm. “Dom, this is my Rylee.”

He stuck his hand out, and I wasn’t able to completely suppress the rumble of annoyance in my chest when she shook it. Rylee looked up at me and rolled her eyes but didn’t comment.

“I thought maybe you could use some help,” I told Dom. “Maybe even take on an apprentice if Rylee’s interested.”

Rylee’s body went tense, but when she glanced up at me again, she was beaming, her eyes lit with hope.

“Absolutely,” Dom agreed without a second’s hesitation. “You obviously have a lot of knowledge and a knack for this.” He cocked his head to the side and studied her. “Have you thought about trade school?”

“No. I just assumed...I mean people just expected me to go to college, and I wanted out of my house, so that’s just what I thought I would do.”

“You don’t need a degree to be amazing at this since it obviously comes natural. However, if you want to learn it faster, learn it right.” He winked and smirked. “I’ll teach you everything they won’t at school.”

Rylee giggled, and the sound went straight to my dick. Seeing her with that car had been hot as fuck, and that badass sexy mixed with her sweet laughter brought my need to a boiling point. “You two can talk more in a few days...or a week...just...later,” I mumbled as I lifted my chin in farewell and dragged Rylee back into the clubhouse.

“But, I was still—”

I spun around and used my grip on her hand to yank her up against my body before lowering my head and crashing my mouth down over hers. She fell eagerly into the kiss, her arms locking around my neck and her tongue dancing with mine. I grabbed her ass and lifted her so her legs automatically circled my hips. After a minute, I knew I needed to stop if we had any hope of making it back to my room. “You’re amazing,” I rumbled after reluctantly ending the kiss. “So fucking sexy.”

Keeping her wrapped around me, I stalked to the back of the house and up the stairs. It wasn’t until we reached my room that I realized how quiet she’d been during the short walk. Once we were inside with the door shut and locked, I set her on her feet and cradled her beautiful face in my palms. Her green eyes were filled with confusion, and I kissed her forehead. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, angel?”

She was silent for a few beats, then she shrugged. “I don’t understand why this is happening to me. You’re...I mean, you're gorgeous. Dangerous and sexy, an incredible artist.” She shook her head and gestured to her body with a sweep of her hand. “I’m just average. Freckles, medium height, size fourteen...there’s nothing special about me.”

I stared at her, unable to speak, and she blushed, her eyes darting away for a moment before coming back to me since I was holding her face right in front of mine.

“You’re fucking blind, Rylee,” I finally rasped out. “There is nothing ordinary or plain about you. My mouth waters for every one of your curves. You fit perfectly into my body. When your eyes sparkle, I want to get lost in them. And these curls…” I ran my fingers through her hair. “Somehow, they make you adorable and sexy as fuck at the same time.”

My hands glided down from her head, over her shoulders, and down her torso to grab her hips. Holding her close, I pressed my aching shaft against her belly and grunted, “This is what you do to me, angel.”