“Tell me about yourself, miracle.”

I groaned and sat in the chair on her other side.

“Miracle?” Rylee repeated with confusion.

“Scout has a thing for nicknames,” Cat explained as she brought a platter of delicious gooey cinnamon rolls to the table. She set a plate and fork in front of each of us, then Scout pulled her onto his lap. “It means he approves of you.”

Rylee blushed, and I suddenly hated Scout for being the one to earn those pretty pink cheeks. “Why miracle, though?” she asked.

“You remind me of Shirley Temple with that crazy head of curls,” he answered with a wink.

“Ah, I get it,” Rylee laughed. “Little Miss Miracle.”

“Eat, angel,” I encouraged her. “After you're done, we have one more place to see.” The last stop on our tour was the other reason I’d offered to show her around. I was curious to see what her reaction was because I wanted to share my idea with her.

“Hey, Blue,” Scout called out. I glanced over my shoulder to see Mac’s wife, Bridget, strolling into the room.

She walked over and introduced herself to Rylee, then sat and chatted with her while we ate. They seemed to hit it off, and it wasn’t long before Cat relaxed and joined their conversation.

As soon as she finished her food, I excused us and gently took Rylee’s elbow to help her to her feet. “Got somewhere to be. Later.” Then I quickly steered her from the kitchen. I was already impatient to get back to bed, and watching her eat was clearly going to be a problem in the future. It made me hard as fuck. But I’d also been coming to the realization that simply declaring Rylee as mine wouldn’t be enough for her. I needed to show her that I’d thought about our future, to prove this wasn’t a short-term thing.

Once we were in the empty hallway, Rylee rounded on me and put her hands on her ample hips, her tits bouncing when she huffed. Fuck, she was sexy...I wanted to hold her right there while I pounded into her from behind. I’d be so deep in that position that I could probably come right up against her womb so that when she climaxed, it opened up and sucked up every drop, planting my kid inside her.

The picture of Rylee with a round belly appeared in my mind, and my knees nearly buckled. Not because I was shocked to know that was what I wanted—I’d known that since the moment I saw her picture—but because I was desperate to make it happen. I wanted to fuck my woman when she was even more round and soft, her body growing to accommodate our baby.

“Nova!” Rylee hissed, grabbing my attention.


“You have to stop telling everyone I’m yours.”

I narrowed my eyes, and my voice was low when I replied, “Not fucking happening.”

“I’ve spent too much time under the thumb of one controlling asshole. I’m not going to walk right into another!”

My brothers would never have let me hear the end of it if they had been present at that moment. I was struck speechless.

Finally, I reached out and gently brought Rylee close, gathering her into my arms. “I don’t want to control you, angel. Sorry if it seemed that way. I’m willing to admit that I’ll be a bossy, domineering asshole when it comes to other men, and I’ll expect you to trust what I tell you to do when it comes to your safety. But I will always do anything I can to give you whatever you ask for.”

Her eyes softened, and I released a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. “You have a bit of a temper,” she muttered.

I grinned unrepentantly. “Not gonna be sorry for intimidating motherfuckers who test my patience with you. But don’t pretend it didn’t make you wet when I threatened to spank your pretty little ass.”

Rylee bit her lip, and her eyes kindled with desire. I revisited my plan to push the next stop off until later, but after this conversation, I knew it was even more important.

“Come on, angel. Let me show you something.”

Taking her hand, I kissed the back before leading her through the club to the back entrance of the Silver Saints Garage. We walked in, and I lifted my chin at a few people who called out greetings. But I steered Rylee toward a bay holding a 1949 Jaguar XK120.

“Oh, my gosh!” Rylee gasped when she spotted the rusted, disassembled vehicle and rushed over. Dom slid out from the undercarriage just as Rylee ran by, but she saw him at the last second and hopped right over him.

“Careful there, sweetheart,” Dom said as he jumped to his feet and reached for her in case she ended up falling.

Dom was happily married with a family and only trying to help her, but the jealous monster in me wanted to growl at him to get his hands off my woman. And rip his tongue out for calling her sweetheart. But I had a feeling that wouldn’t help my case with Rylee, so I swallowed hard and shoved him down deep.