I rubbed my hands together in anticipation. “Really?”

Those kissable lips of his curved at the edges. “Between the gas station and a drive-through for some food, sure.”

“That works for me.” I could have a lot of fun in the driver’s seat of this baby for even just a mile. My dad had taught me how to drive before he died, and he’d been proud of the fact that I was hell on wheels. But Nova would have to learn that about me himself—preferably while I drove his car like I stole it.

When he fired up the engine and was ready to pull away from the curb, a dark sedan slowed as it neared my house from the opposite direction.

“Fuck, get down.” Nova’s hand whipped out and pushed on the top of my head until my face was between my knees. “Stay just like that until I tell you it’s safe.”

I wrapped my arms around my calves and bit my bottom lip to stop myself from crying. We drove like that for about five minutes before Nova finally said, “You can sit back up now. He didn’t follow us, so he must not have seen you before he pulled up.”

I didn’t notice the car as we crossed the street, and he’d scanned the area before letting me come out in the open. The car must have turned into my road off the street a block away. “Who was it?”

“The Ukrainians have been driving by your house every two hours. I should’ve had plenty of time to grab you between rounds, but something must’ve happened on their end to change up the intervals.” His dark gaze slid toward me. “If I had to guess, they were thinking about making a grab for you soon, too.”

“Probably because my stepdad is trying to negotiate for an extra payment beyond what he already owes the Ukrainians. Apparently, virgins are worth a crap ton of money on the black market.”

Who blurted out their lack of sex life to the hot guy they’d fantasized about—and who they were absolutely not going to do anything with no matter how much they wanted? This girl right here, folks.



My hands tightened on the steering wheel, gripping it so hard my knuckles were white. I’d known Rylee was a virgin the minute I laid eyes on her sweet, innocent body. But hearing her say it out loud put me on the verge of coming in my fucking jeans.

She was mine. I’d already accepted that. But knowing I would be her first, her only, made my feelings of possession roar to life in a way I’d never imagined. I suddenly realized—even though it wouldn’t happen in a million fucking years—that I owed my brothers an apology for giving them shit about the way they acted with their women.

If anyone so much as touched my girl, they would lose a fucking hand.

“No one else will ever touch you, angel,” I reassured her. I had attempted to use a soothing tone, but it came out gritty because my jaw was clenched tight. Pulling over and fucking her in my Mustang would be hot as fuck—and we would definitely be doing it someday—but a quick fuck in the back of a car for her first time would make me a callous son of a bitch, and she’d probably hate me forever. Not to mention that she’d known me for all of ten minutes.

I drew in a deep breath and yelled at my cock to simmer the fuck down.

“Thank you,” Rylee whispered. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t come to save me.”

I shuddered at the thought of what her future would have looked like and reminded myself a few times that she was with me and safe.

“No problem,” I said, shooting a crooked smile her way.

She responded as I’d hoped, returning my smile and relaxing into her seat.

I waited until we were in the next town to pull into a gas station. “Wait here, angel,” I told her as I climbed out of the car. While I filled the gas tank, my eyes constantly swept our surroundings, making sure we hadn’t been followed.

After I finished and was back in the driver’s seat, I started the car and shifted my manual transmission into first gear, but before I took my foot off the brake, Rylee’s hand landed on my thigh.

My body tensed, and my dick—which had softened a minute amount—hardened to the point where my zipper was scraping the sensitive skin. I winced, and Rylee immediately snatched her hand back, folding it in her lap as her cheeks burned red. Shit. I didn’t know how to explain that it hadn’t been her touch that made me wince without drawing her attention to the massive bulge in my pants.

Fuck it.

I grabbed her hand and set it over my crotch. “That wasn’t because I didn’t like your touch, angel. More like, it’s the opposite. My cock is trying to burst through my zipper to get to you.”