Arya shot to her feet and broke through the Dash and Patriot wall blocking her. “I'm not going to dignify that with a response.” Her tone was snippy, but her eyes were swimming with hurt. “When you're ready to apologize for being an asshole, you'll find me with Dax.”

I was ready to kill Nova for putting that pain in my woman's eyes, but she walked up to me and took my hand. Her tight grip told me that she wanted me to stay close. I wrapped an arm around her, and she leaned into my side.

Nova had the good sense to look ashamed, but he didn't hide his distaste at seeing my arm around his sister. “I'm sorry, sis. I really am. I shouldn't have been such a dick.”

Reluctantly, I let Arya go when she walked over to him, and he enveloped her in a big hug.

“I just want what's best for you.”

“I know," Arya answered with a sigh. “Dax is what's best for me.” I couldn't help puffing up a little at her statement. Damn, I loved her.

Nova was quiet for a long time, then he nodded and released her. But he kept a hand on her arm, holding her closer to him. A low growl rumbled in my chest, and he glared at me. “We can discuss this back at the club,” he finally said. Then he turned and began to guide Arya down the steps.

We could've argued for the rest of the day, but in the interest of getting Arya back to my room and resting, I used a different tactic. “You all rode your bikes?”

Three male heads nodded. “Arya will go back with me then.”

Nova opened his mouth, and I cut him off. “She's pregnant. We aren't going to risk the baby by having her on the back of a motorcycle.”

“You don't know she's pregnant,” Nova muttered.

“You willing to take that chance?”

Nova grunted and switched directions, walking Arya over to the truck. He helped her into the passenger side and shut the door before stomping over to me and holding out his hand.

“No fucking way,” I said in answer to his silent question.

He swore a blue streak and slammed his fist into the side of the truck. Better than my face.

“Straight back to the MC, Dax,” he ordered. “You try to take her anywhere else, and I won't hold back next time.”

I didn't bother replying; I just walked to the driver's side and hopped into the truck. Arya was silent, and I worried that she was upset with me for how I was handling things, but then she slipped her hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.

She fell asleep on the drive, and I hated to wake her when we finally arrived. I was going to carry her up to my room, but Nova—the jackass—stomped over and jerked her door open, startling her awake.

“Nova,” I growled. “I swear to—”

“Both of you shut it,” Arya grumbled. “You can act like buffoons later when I'm not around.”

Nova gave her a crooked smile and gently helped her down from the high seat. I met them at the front door, just in time to hear Nova saying, “You can rest, shower.”

Arya chuckled. “Are you trying to tell me I stink, Nova?”

Nova wrinkled his nose and glared at me. “No.” His eyes said otherwise, and I just smirked.

We walked inside to be greeted by Mac, Bridget, and Link's old lady, Harlowe. “Let's get you to my room,” Nova murmured after lifting his chin at the trio.

“Abso-fucking-lutely not!” I barked. “Arya stays with me, and that's final.”

Nova spun around to face me and spat, “She's my sister.”

I took a menacing step forward. “She's my old lady, and unless you want me to burn your cut and carve that tattoo of your patch out of your back, you'll respect that hierarchy.”

Nova's face turned purple as he fought what I was sure was multiple desires to dismember me. After a minute, he took a deep breath. “She's not wearing your cut,” he grated out.

A flash in my peripheral sent my hand into the air in time to catch the vest Mac tossed at me. I gently, but firmly, pulled Arya toward me and helped her slip on her new vest. “She is now.”



I stared up at Dax in awe. “You had a property patch made for me while we were at the cabin?”

“Damn straight.” He flashed me a smug grin. “While you were busy making plans for the birthday party, I was setting everything in motion to make you mine. I was already planning on kidnapping you when you called to ask me for help. Your surprise visit made my approach a fuck of a lot less complicated. All I had to do was ask you to come early and steal you away.”