I wasn’t sure how we would ever leave this blissful cocoon we’d shut ourselves up in. But I knew our reprieve would only last so long.



Trailing my fingers through the smattering of hair on Dax’s chest, I heaved a deep sigh. He tugged lightly on my ponytail, tipping my head back until our gazes met. His green eyes were filled with concern. “What’s wrong?”

“Everything here is just so amazing.” I patted his chest before pointing toward the fireplace. “I’m cuddled up with you on the couch in front of a roaring fire with a full belly after having more orgasms than I can count on one hand—and that’s just from today. The number is astronomical if I include the whole time we’ve been here.”

“And you can be damn sure I’ll add to them before the night is over.” He traced his finger down my nose. “But not until you explain to me why you look so sad.”

The time Dax and I had spent up here in the mountains had been more amazing than I ever could have expected. We’d gotten to know each other so well, and every new piece of himself that Dax shared made me fall in love with him a little more. I loved having him all to myself without any distractions and was disappointed that our time here had to come to an end. “I just hate for our little bubble to burst. I like being here with you, pretending as though the rest of the world doesn’t exist.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying your time in the mountains with me, baby. If not, I would’ve had to work harder to keep you happy.” His hand dropped to my lower back as his hold tightened around me. “But there’s no need to be sad because we’re not leaving yet.”

I tilted my head to the side, my brows drawing together. “I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen my phone and there isn’t a calendar anywhere in this place, but I’m pretty sure the day after tomorrow is the big birthday bash at the compound. If we don’t leave soon, then we’re going to miss it.”

“You’re right about when the party is, but you’re forgetting something.” He stroked his thumb down the center of my forehead, smoothing out the wrinkle that had popped up there. “On the day we got here, I told you that we were staying as long as it took.”

He said that as though I should understand what he meant, but I just grew more confused instead. “I guess I don’t get what the ‘it’ is that you were talking about then. We’ve had sex everywhere in this place and in every position possible, shared all of our meals, and talked about everything under the sun. What more is there for us to do up here, and can we get it done by tomorrow?”

One of his hands stroked up and down my spine as he answered, “Gotta make sure you’re all mine before we leave, baby.”

“Now you’re just being silly.” I laughed softly and shook my head. “I couldn’t be more yours if I tried.”

His lips curved up in a satisfied smile, and he lifted me off his lap to set me on the cushion next to us. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.”

I twisted my neck and watched him stride out of the living area and up the stairs toward the bedroom. When he disappeared out of my line of vision, I tucked my knees close to my chest and pulled the material of the shirt I was wearing—another of Dax’s—over my legs and toes. The fire should have been enough to keep me warm, but I felt a little chill at the loss of Dax’s body heat.

He wasn’t gone long, but instead of settling back on the couch with me on his lap, he dropped to his knees on the floor in front of the couch. Taking my hands in his, he flashed me a sexy smile before brushing a kiss against my knuckles. His lips lingered on the ring finger of my left hand, and my heart started to race when I realized what his position could possibly mean. I figured I was jumping way ahead because our relationship was so new, but then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, black jewelry box. When he flipped it open with his thumb, I gasped and pressed my trembling right hand to my mouth. The ring was gorgeous, with a huge cushion-cut diamond centered in a simple platinum band. Nobody would ever be able to miss that sucker when it was on my hand.

“Arya, baby.” He slid the ring on the tip of my finger, his green eyes burning into mine when he lifted his head to meet my gaze. “Spend the rest of your life with me. Sleep in my bed. Eat on my lap. Have my babies. Grow old with me. Be my love forever.”