“Yes! Oh! Oh, Barrett! Oh, yes! Yes!”

“Fuck, Paisley! So fucking hot. Squeeze my cock, baby. Yes! Fuck! Oh, fuck! That's it, baby! Fuck!”

Two more thrusts and Paisley screamed my name so loud the neighbors probably heard. I bellowed in rapture as my cock exploded, filling her with so much come, it pooled at the base of my dick, making wet, slippery sounds as I continued to pound up into my wife, working us both, making our climaxes last as long as possible.

Finally, Paisley slumped and I released her wrists, allowing her to fall forward, resting against my bent legs. I laid there, panting and exhausted, rubbing soothing circles on her back. I knew I should gather her up and head to the bedroom for some rest, but I couldn’t move. Well, most of me…Paisley’s tight pussy was still gripping my hard dick, and when she shifted just the tiniest bit, it twitched. I firmly told the fucker to back the fuck the hell off, but my cock wouldn’t listen and began to swell.

“Barrett,” Paisley moaned. “You have got to be kidding me!”

“I can’t get enough of you, baby. You know that.” I couldn’t help the small grin that curved on my face. “And don’t act like it doesn’t turn you on to know that.”

Her inner muscles tightened, and I groaned. “Keep that up and you’re going to be sore as fuck tomorrow,” I warned her. She knew exactly what happened when she teased me. I fucked her long and hard over and over until she could barely walk the next day.

“Walking is overrated,” she tossed over her shoulder sassily.

I laughed until she squeezed my cock again and rocked back.

Neither of us did much walking the next day.


David “Dax” Xavier knew he was supposed to stay away from Arya Rossi. Not only was she too young for him…Arya was the sister of one of his Silver Saints MC brothers. But even Nova’s threat of death to anyone who touched her wasn’t enough to keep Dax from claiming Arya for himself.

Arya didn’t know she was delivering herself to her own kidnapping, but she didn’t complain when she found herself alone in a cabin with the man who’d been starring in her fantasies. If Dax wanted her on the back of his bike, she was more than willing. No matter what her brother had to say about their relationship.



“You’ve got your assignments,” Mac—our prez—said gruffly, looking around the Silver Saints MC clubhouse lounge. “Questions?”

“Can I have the floor for a minute?” Nova asked. He was leaning against the pool table with one hip, his arms were crossed over his chest, and his eyes held a deadly gleam.

Damn, he was pissed as fuck about something.

Mac gestured for him to step up, then took Nova’s place at the pool table.

“My sister is coming to visit for her spring break.” Nova’s dark eyes slowly scanned the room, the warning in his expression crystal clear. “I know it goes without saying, but I’m telling you all anyway. Stay the fuck away from her. She’s off-limits. If any of you puts even a single finger on her, be prepared to lose it...and your balls.”

I rolled my eyes. “She’s like fifteen, bro. Some of these jokers may be hard up because they’re so fuckin’ ugly, but none of us are that stupid.”

Nova threw me a dirty look, making me grin in return just to fuck with him. “You had your head up your ass the past couple of years, Dax? You’ve met her every year when she stays with me for her break. She’ll be eighteen in a couple of months.”

I shrugged. She was still just a kid. What did it matter if I didn’t remember her age?

“That all?” Mac asked. Nova nodded, and our prez dismissed everyone.

Breaker, who’d dropped onto the comfy leather couch next to me at the start of the meeting, leaned over. “Would you even recognize that she’s a woman, dude? Pretty sure your bed springs have frozen from not being bounced on in…” He stopped and scratched his head as if contemplating, then he smirked. “Wait, are you a virgin?”

I grunted and cuffed him on the back of the head before jumping to my feet and stalking out of the room. Breaker might have been joking, but he wasn’t all that far off. I’d never been big on casual sex and had lost interest in relationships years ago. I honestly couldn’t remember the last woman I’d been with. It didn’t bother me, though. If the right woman came along, that would change, but I was content with my life even if it never happened.

Besides, there were enough love-sick brothers around here to make me confident in my choice to remain alone. I did have to admit, though, the babies were fucking adorable, and Uncle Dax had no problem spoiling the shit out of them.