After we’d caught our breath and I’d cleaned her up, I spooned her with my hand splayed on her tummy while she drifted to sleep. Lexi kicked a few times, and I smiled and whispered at her to let her mommy rest.

I’d shucked my clothes before snuggling up with my woman, so I almost didn’t hear my phone vibrate in my pants pocket. It wasn’t loud, but I didn’t want to chance waking Paisley from her nap. Carefully, I slipped out of bed and grabbed my cell before tugging on my pants. It was a text from my contact in the prison where John Clark was incarcerated.

He sent me updates from time to time. If things were too quiet, I took care of that shit in no time. One of the guards was a brother, and another had a sister who was the old lady of a Silver Saint. Then there were the guys I knew on the inside. I definitely hadn’t had any trouble making John Clark’s life a living hell in there.

Because he was a dirty cop, they’d put him in protective custody, but then the warden got a tip that he was selling contraband, which was hidden all over his cell. So they moved him to gen pop, and he certainly didn’t have any friends there. He couldn’t even buy protection by becoming someone’s bitch. Not that they didn’t let him audition for the role before beating the shit out of him.

I glanced at my woman sleeping peacefully with our little girl nestled in her womb. It was time to take care of this shit and make sure our baby was born into a world without that motherfucker in it.

Caleb, my contact, and the guard who was a patch, sent me updates once a month. But he also checked in with me weekly for one reason. He always asked if I wanted to send anyone a message, and I always responded with a no.

This time, I sent back a number. It belonged to a very specific inmate who was ready to act when I gave him the green light.

The next morning, I received another text from Caleb. “Done.”



3 years later

“I can’t believe Hack let you out of the house.” Lucy took a sip of her wine, stretching her legs out underneath the corner booth we’d nabbed at the bar owned by the Silver Saints.

“Maybe he needed a break,” Bridget teased before taking a gulp of her margarita—which I eyed with envy.

Harlowe laughed, almost spitting out her drink. “Like you’re any less horny than the rest of us when you’re pregnant.”

Lucy tilted her head to the side and tapped her finger against her chin. “That’s probably why we had Alice and Kate so close together. Dom missed all the extra sex he got when I was pregnant.”

“Nah.” Harlowe shook her head. “None of our guys need any help getting us into bed.”

“Or on any flat surface,” Bridget agreed.

“Vertical ones too sometimes,” Lucy giggled.

I rubbed my swollen belly and smiled. It shouldn’t be possible, but I was pretty sure that I was even hornier with this pregnancy than I had been with Lexi. “Hack never needs a break, no matter how needy I am when I’m pregnant.”

Bridget grinned back at me. “I swear, it’s as if one of the requirements to prospect the Silver Saints is that you have to be insatiable once you find your old lady.”

“Maybe you should ask the president if it is,” I jokingly suggested.

“Hmm.” Bridget wagged her brows. “I just might do that since I’d probably earn a spanking at even the slightest hint that I’ve been thinking about one of the guy’s sex life.”

“I vote you do it. Take one for the team in case he actually answers,” Lucy suggested.

“Save a motorcycle, ride a biker!” Harlowe lifted her glass in the air, and we all clinked our drinks against it. Our loud laughter drew the attention of a group of guys sitting at a booth on the other side of the room. One of them called the waitress over and pointed at our table. She glanced over her shoulder at us, her eyes going wide before she turned back to them and shook her head.

“There goes the rest of our girls’ night. I think those guys are trying to order us a round of drinks,” I grumbled, pointing at the black domed camera on the ceiling behind the bar. “And I’m sure Hack has his eyes glued to a screen watching the video stream from the bar now that Lexi is asleep.”

“Ah, well. At least we got an hour,” Harlowe sighed before downing the rest of her drink.

Bridget nodded. “I guess we can’t complain too much. At least we had enough time to enjoy a cocktail. The other girls didn’t even get that much.”