Haydn shivered. Royce’s voice was low and commanding, nearly a growl. It sent a warmth through his body, his mind becoming a little hazy.

Shaking the strange sensation off with some difficulty, Haydn stepped forward so he and Royce were shoulder to shoulder. He smiled at Aksel nicely. Haydn wasn’t really angry. He could tell that Aksel was just feeling protective of his family, and Xeus alphas were notoriously bad at controlling their instincts. “It’s a little rude to greet your new brother that way, don’t you think?”

Aksel gave a snort. “Right. There’s no need to pretend. We all know it’s hardly a love match. Royce is an alpha, he’s not—” Aksel cut himself off, his gaze falling to Haydn’s neck.

Haydn felt his face burn as everyone’s gaze followed Aksel’s. Belinda squeaked, Vagrippa’s eyes widened, and Royce… Royce stared at the mark with a strange expression before looking up, into Haydn’s eyes.

Haydn wasn’t sure what he saw in them, but Royce’s scent became stronger. Royce put a hand on his shoulder, his fingers pressing against the bruise. Haydn jolted, as if electrocuted, his eyelids growing heavy. Oh.

He could only blink dazedly as Royce said, “This is my husband, Haydn, and you’re going to treat him like a brother. Is that understood, Aksel?”

Aksel looked from Royce to Haydn with sharp blue eyes. A puzzled frown appeared between his dark brows as he sniffed the air.

“Are you actually fucking him?” Aksel said, looking at his brother curiously.

“Aksel!” Vagrippa said.

“I kind of want to know, too,” Belinda mumbled, earning a reproachful look from her mother.

Royce’s hand on Haydn’s shoulder tightened. “That’s none of your business, Aksel. He’s my husband and my friend. You will give him the same respect you give me as your older brother. Am I making myself clear?”

Aksel chuckled, lifting his hand in a placating gesture. “There’s no need for that tone, Royce. If you just told me your marriage wasn’t actually fake, I would have greeted him differently.” He walked over and stretched his hand out. “I’m sorry. I meant no offense.”

Haydn shook his hand and let go when Royce’s scent soured in displeasure.

Aksel seemed to notice that, too, and he shot his brother a curious look before his face cleared. “Right, recent rut.”

Before Royce or Haydn could say anything, Aksel looked around. “Where’s Lucien? I was looking forward to seeing him.”

Royce’s eyes bored into his brother. “You know Lucien doesn’t like being around alphas.”

“I’m not just any alpha. I’d never believe he’d refuse to see me.”

“He didn’t,” Belinda cut in. “He missed you terribly and wanted to see you, but Royce told him it would be unwise.”

A muscle jumped in Aksel’s jaw, all humor leaving his face. He glowered at his brother, a low growl escaping his throat. “You have no right,” he bit out, claws sliding out of his fingers.

Haydn tensed. He’d always defended Xeus alphas, insisting that their violent reputation was undeserved, but even he had to admit that an angry Xeus was dangerous. Extremely dangerous. Not only were they twice as strong as non-shifter alphas even when it wasn’t the full moon, but they also had the advantage of long, razor-sharp claws that could gut a person in the blink of an eye.

But Royce didn’t seem bothered. He stood his ground, somehow managing to look down at his taller brother, his expression calm and hard. “You know I’m right, Aksel. You remember what happened last time. Keep away from Lucien if you really care for him.”

Aksel’s hands twitched.

But he didn’t attack his brother. He just glared at him and stalked out.

Royce exhaled, his face grim. “Belinda, make sure Lucien is never alone with Aksel.”

“Aksel would never hurt Lucien,” Belinda said, frowning. “He always worshiped him as a boy!”

Royce gave her a pinched look. “He’s not a boy anymore,” he said flatly.

“Royce is right,” Vagrippa said. “Now that Aksel is back home, I’ll find him a suitable match. A young omega from a nice, respectable family—”

“I can’t believe you!” Belinda snapped and stormed out of the room, leaving an awkward silence in her wake.

Haydn looked at Royce, unsure what that was about.

Royce sighed and steered him out of the room. “Let’s go, I’ll tell you over breakfast.”

Haydn allowed it, trying to ignore the warmth of Royce’s hand on his lower back.

“Aksel presented late,” Royce said as they entered the breakfast room. “He was always enamored with Lucien as a boy. I should have probably expected that it would shift into a fixation when he presented as an alpha.”

Haydn did the math in his head. Lucien was what, thirty-five? “Lucien is just ten years older than him. That kind of age difference is unusual, but it’s not a lot. Lucien is still young and will be at childbearing age for over a decade. I don’t really get why you would be opposed to a match?” Unless… unless you’re actually interested in Lucien yourself, came a thought that made something in Haydn’s stomach twist. “Or is this about Lucien technically being his father’s widower?”