Page 80 of My Summer in Seoul

It was a success according to our CEO and to us, which meant we were getting delivered food other than chicken, which had Sookie excitedly talking everyone’s ears off the entire van ride home.

I was thankful that at least Solia and Grace seemed to be getting along as they chatted in the front seat and stayed back while the rest of us got into the elevator.

I stole a glance at Grace when she grabbed her bag, leaning over into the van, exposing her tight leggings.

Rae elbowed me.

“Hmm, what?” I played dumb.

His eyes narrowed. “Show some respect; she is your intern.”

The guy had no clue how dirty my thoughts just got in that moment when he said she was my intern. “Yeah, you’re right; I just thought she dropped something and might need a hand.”

Kai laughed behind his hand and then started coughing.

“You’re a horrible liar.” Jay pushed the penthouse button. “It’s why we love you.”


“Just be respectful,” Rae said again. “That’s all. This is her job.”

But I wasn’t her job.

At least not anymore.

Sure, she’d had to babysit me, but she didn’t have to kiss me or spend time with me; she didn’t have to even tolerate me.

Rae seemed pissed when we got into the apartment. I wasn’t sure if it was me or if it was the ever-present stress—or if it was Grace.

Shit, what if he confessed to her and she rejected him?

Or what if she had no idea that he was saying he really liked her and she said something like “oh, I like you too,” and he got the wrong idea?

I tugged at my hair, letting out a groan, then nearly collided with the wall when Grace went into her room and gave me a “come visit” look.

Rae had gone into his room.

The door was shut.

Sookie and Jay were in the kitchen with Solia and Kai.

So really, nobody would see me disappear into her room.

In fact, I’d been in such a shitty mood these past few weeks they’d probably assume I was at the piano or trying to nap.

I looked around again, then slowly made my way over to her door, opened it, then shut it quietly behind me.

She was sitting on her bed. “Did you crawl?”

“Did you want me to?” I teased, earning a laugh.

“I guess I deserved that.” She patted the bed, having no clue that my palms were sweating, and I suddenly felt like throwing up.

We were alone.


Sitting on her bed.

Fuck! Was I twelve?

“You did good today,” she started. “Are you tired?”

“Actually…” I tried to hide my yawn and failed. “Yeah. I was thinking of taking a nap for a bit before dinner but—”

She shoved me back onto her bed. “Flip over.”

My entire body tensed. “Wh-what?”

“Flip over.”

I hesitated for a minute, then lay down on her bed face down. Her thighs straddled my hips as she started rubbing my back, her hands moving up and down my spine, over my shoulders and back again.

I tried to relax.

If anything, it was like she had given me a shot of adrenaline. “This isn’t making me think about sleep.”

“Lucas,” Grace scolded. “You’re supposed to relax.”

“I have a hot girl straddling me, rubbing her hands all over my body, and you’re asking me to relax?”

“Aw, you think I’m hot?”

“Oh, God.”


“Do you not own a mirror? I think Sookie nearly swallowed his tongue whole when he saw you for the first time. Poor kid probably spent way too much time in the shower—” I groaned. “And… I’m gonna stop right there. Sorry, that was inappropriate.” I started to laugh just remembering Sookie’s expression when she’d walked in.

“Um, I looked like a train wreck.”

I couldn’t hold in my low chuckle. “No, you looked like you’d just been fucked.”

She gasped.

I froze. Squeezing my eyes shut. “Sorry, that was seriously inappropriate too. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Oh, wait. Yeah, I do. You’re on top of me, and I’m tired, so I have no filter and no self-control, and yeah, right there…” Her hand had moved to my hips, dipping toward the front of my pants. I pinned it there. “Keep inching forward, and this is going to be over before it even starts.”

“Hmmm last time, it was over when—”

I bucked her off me then tackled her onto the bed, pinning her arms above her head. “What was that?”

Her smile was so infectious, and then she laughed. “Nothing, nothing I swear!”

“You sure?” I leaned in, sniffing her neck. She was so damn ticklish that she was already squirming beneath me. “Because I’m well versed in torture…”

“Aghhhhhh…” She couldn’t escape.

Not that I wanted her to.

“Fiiine!” She huffed. “I give in, and I was teasing.”

“I win.” I gave her a rough kiss on the cheek and started to get off her, which was a painfully slow process considering how turned on I was. “I also need to leave before I can’t.”