Page 46 of My Summer in Seoul

“Okay.” I nodded my head. “Got it.”

“Grace.” Rae faced the door. “Keep him safe… I don’t care if you have to tie him to a chair.”

The door flew open, Lucas jumped back like Rae had just popped out of nowhere, which I guess he did, and then his hard expression changed from determination to anger.

He knew before Rae even said anything.

In fact, Rae just put his hand on Lucas’s shoulder and whispered something so low I couldn’t hear it.

Then both guys peered over at me, causing my blood pressure to skyrocket for the millionth time in the last hour. Lucas put his hands on his hips, then nodded and slammed the door to his room.

“Don’t fall asleep this time,” was the last thing Rae said to me as the guys all left the apartment, the heavy door slamming behind them with finality.

Leaving me staring at Lucas’s room, trying to figure out if I should make a junk food style path from the door to the piano or couch in an attempt to cheer him up.

Instead, I grabbed my phone, my manual, my iPad and sat directly in front of the door.

If he was leaving—he’d have to physically go through me.

Chapter Thirteen

Time Machines


He hadn’t come out of his room in hours.

I was starting to get worried.

The rest of the guys were due back in another forty minutes for dinner and to work in their studio, which apparently was another layer of the ginormous apartments they already lived in that I hadn’t even seen all of yet.

At least they didn’t have to go outside.

How sad.

That being trapped inside would be your only escape from the world, the pressures, the constant stares, questions, accusations.

I was thankful I had taken them to the beach at least once then, even if they were grumpy initially.

I yawned as my head fell back against the door with a loud thud. Thinking nothing of it, I did it again. The door jerked open, causing my body to fly back, landing against the floor and on top of something soft.

“Ah, slippers.” Another reminder not to wear my shoes inside—anywhere, damn it, Oppa.

Thankfully, I was barefoot but also… gross, I was barefoot in someone else’s home, just savagely spreading my sweat across the floor.

I almost felt sorry for them.

Living with a barbarian like me.

“You’re up.” I gave him a small wave.

Lucas looked down at me and let out the longest sigh known to mankind—I would know because I stopped mentally counting after an uncomfortable ten seconds.

Ten. Long. Seconds.

He stepped over me like I was roadkill.

And then, like the panicked psycho I was, I launched my person across the floor, scrambling ahead of him in an attempt to block the door, only to notice he was going into the kitchen.

I’d lost all sense of normalcy, hadn’t I? The fear was ruling me now; that and my need to keep him safe at all costs.

I double-checked the lock on the front door, then started my job of stalking one of the hottest guys I’d ever seen in real life as he grabbed a water and something that looked like a can of Pringles.

Now, I don’t remember aggressively walking toward him like I was about to use a shank—everything was a bit of a blur—but before he could put that first chip into his mouth, the can was mine.

I was moaning.

And his jaw was dropped like he’d just seen an alien.

Take me to your leader.

And give me more Pringles!

He jerked the can out of my grip.

Then I reached for it again.

Oh, so we had a battle on our hands.

Keep him alive, keep him alive. Do not hit him over the head with your favorite chip. Don’t do it, Grace.

Self. Control.

I let him have it and held up my hands in surrender. Then I slowly grabbed my phone out of my pocket like I was on a cop show and wanted to reveal it wasn’t a weapon. “Sorry, I’ve been worried about you.” I nodded at the Pringles can. “I’m starving, and it’s my favorite chip, some might say an addiction?”

The app translated it quickly.

Slowly he shook his head and grabbed my phone, then spoke into it. “Dangsineun michin saramiya.”

I waited with great expectations, then frowned when the computer-like voice translated. “You’re a crazy person.”

“Crazy for Pringles,” I mumbled under my breath, sending him a glare and grabbing my phone back. “Wanna watch a movie? Do push-ups? Work out? Build a castle out of toothpicks? I’ve heard coloring can be cathartic, brought my own pencils… Ha, ha.” I will literally die alone.

Had to admit, Lucas had the slow disappointed head nod down like a champ as he grabbed my phone again and spoke into it. “Dangsineun yakmure isseupnikka?”

The voice mocked back. “Are you on medication?”

I frowned. “Well, that’s rude. No, but you can’t leave the apartments, so pick something to do other than mope in your room, or I’m gonna have to turn on Frozen. You know… Let it Go.” It hurt not to sing it, it really did.