Page 16 of My Summer in Seoul

I was too stunned that he’d saved me twice in a few hours to say anything. Did I bow? Say thank you? Stare more? I licked my lips, ready to open my mouth and try some more Korean via my handy app, when he leaned his tall frame over until he was about two inches from my face and whispered, “I would save the full life story until after we actually know you better, but thank you for at least clarifying that you’re on the fence about childbirth. Really… enlightening.”

In. Perfect. English.

The noise that escaped my mouth was half-rage, half-embarrassment. I almost launched myself at him, but he pulled back just in time with a full, amused smile and walked back to the rest of the guys.

All of them grinned at me like I was the best entertainment they’d seen all day. Please, God, please let them not all have understood every insane thing that had come out of my mouth.

Please and amen.

I didn’t see them, and I hated that I was curious, especially after memorizing their profiles along with their schedule.

They had six hours before they had to be up for choreography. I wondered if that was when I would get to sleep while they were at practice.

Choreography, a variety show after lunch that looked sort of fun, more practice, interviews at the apartment, and dinner again. I was tired just looking at it.

I plopped my feet up on the armrest and read about the Showcase coming up. The last thing I remember was something about the military, and then I was out.

Chapter Five

Midnight Truths


“Ey.” Something poked me in the shoulder. Or someone. “Sleeping Beauty.” Another poke. Why was someone poking me? I slapped the hand away and earned a chuckle, then nearly fell out of my chair when I found Rae standing over me in low-slung sweatpants and a plain white shirt. He looked halfway normal if normal was still ridiculously beautiful in nothing but sweats.

I jolted and then tried standing only to be steadied by his hands. “What time is it? I fell asleep! I’m going to get fired. I’m—”

He put a hand over my mouth. “You’re really loud.”

“Sorry.” It was muffled against his hand.

Slowly he lowered it, his eyes narrowing in on me like he was trying to figure me out, which was pointless at this level of hot mess, but I let him think it was possible by not saying anything.

I gulped.

He sighed and nodded toward the chair. “I’ll take over.”

“Nice trick.” I crossed my arms. “I was told to guard the door, so I’m going to guard the door.” I almost stomped my foot too. God, I really was a hot mess.

He smirked at that. “You realize everyone could have escaped while you were snoring?”

“I do not!” I looked away in embarrassment. “Snore.”

His grin was mesmerizing, beautiful really, like something you see on TV but are convinced doesn’t actually exist in real life.

“Can we not talk about this?”

“I think we should.” His smile grew.

“I liked you better when you weren’t bilingual.”

“I speak four languages.” He smirked. “Like me better now?”

“That’s… arrogant.” I bit down on my lip, wondering if he’d share his skin care routine with me at any point. How would that conversation even go? What cleanser do you use? It smells like heaven!

“I’m not sure anyone’s ever called me that.” He seemed extremely amused by that, laughing and looking away. “And I won’t let anyone escape. It’s my job too. I’ve just been tired from our schedule. I didn’t mention it, but when you trip onstage, it’s hard not to notice.”

“Everyone trips.”

He nodded. “On live TV, in front of millions of people, during the finale.”

I scrunched up my nose. “That’s rough.”

“I slipped on water.” He shrugged. “I’ll take over. I’m fine.”

My stomach chose that awful moment to growl as my cheeks blushed bright red. “Sorry.”

“When did you eat last?”

“On the plane? A day ago? Two? What day is it?”

His eyes widened. “You’re joking?”

“I don’t joke about food. Ever.”

“Come on.” He grabbed my wrist and jerked me toward the kitchen.

“But the door!” I tried scrambling away, but he was freakishly strong for someone so tall.

“We’ll hear them try to move the chair. It’s loud, haven’t you noticed? I think half the building already did,” he joked with a wink and then opened the fridge. “Leftovers.” He pulled out something in a plastic container and set it on the counter. “You’re allowed to eat everything we eat. You just can’t eat with us when we’re filming.”

Filming? How often did they film, and what freaking universe did I just land in where there were cameras everywhere all the time?

“Sounds very… mean girl.”

“Mean what?” Rae’s eyebrows drew together like he was trying to figure it out, and then he pointed at me. “Oh, the movie?”

He wasn’t smiling or laughing.