Page 63 of My Summer in Seoul

A little alarm sounded like a quiet ding-dong you’d hear at an old suburban household. SWT, wearing cute red and white school uniforms, made their way onto the stage and sat in desks, followed by another three-member guy group, who looked very young, as in, might still be in high school and just debuted, young.

A girl in a short red skirt and red jacket followed. She was stunningly gorgeous with her thigh-high white socks and cute boots—I tried not to stare, but it was near impossible, and it must have been a theme because the three young guys immediately blushed when they saw her walk on stage and sit in her chair.

How did she not flash ass cheek to everyone?

Everyone had a different sort of duffel bag next to their desks. Lucas was directly in front of her.

She yawned, then leaned down and touched the zipper on his bag, and shoved something inside.

I was about to say something when filming started.

What had she put in there?

“We’re late. Again,” Solia said suddenly.

I jumped. “When did you get here?”

“I’ve been here for five minutes standing next to you. Distracted?” A perfectly penciled brow arched. “They don’t look as tired. Makeup did a good job.”

“Yeah.” I couldn’t relax. “Who’s that girl behind Lucas?”

Solia made a face. “Chae-Won?” Her shoulders stiffened. “She debuted at another label two years before SWT. She’s…” Solia seemed to be searching for a word as her lips pressed together in annoyance. “Spoiled.”

“Oh.” Apparently, I wasn’t going to get any other information.

“She shot a drama with Lucas two years ago. There were a lot of dating rumors—none of them true, but most netizens want them together so much that it would be national news.”

Well, that wasn’t comforting since she’d just slipped something into his bag. Chill, Grace, it could be a love note. A piece of gum? It could be part of the show. I relaxed instantly.

I was being protective of someone who didn’t even like me.

It would be fine.

“Make sure they’re ready for the next interview once they’re done. They have two more just down the hall. Makeup will touch them up, but they’ll keep the uniforms on.”

“Got it.” I clutched my ever-growing bag to my chest.

“Good.” Solia examined her nails then looked over to me. “You should really go shopping soon.” Granted, I knew she had her plate full with the group, and I was just the grunt worker but would it kill her to be nicer?

I wanted to scream. Sure, yeah, in all my free time.

“I’m running a lot for the guys. I don’t need anything fancy.” Plus, if I had heels, I’d be tempted to use them as a weapon when girls like Solia gave me nasty looks.

I smiled sweetly.

“Suit yourself.” She sauntered off while I gritted my teeth and watched the show.

They didn’t cut a lot.

In fact, a lot of the outtakes I’d have thought the director wouldn’t want to keep—they did, which was interesting compared to US TV. I’d only been on set once in the States, and it was for a reality show I was an extra in.

That had been the most boring day of my life.

And it was nothing like this.

I found myself laughing several times as people went through their own bags and did a “What’s in your bag?” challenge.

Sookie had a brownie he’d most likely hidden, which just endeared him more as people laughed around him. Cologne followed, then a brush, a face mask, his phone, typical things that would be seen in a high school kid’s bag.

Everyone else was pretty similar.

And then it came time for Chae-Won. She pressed her perfectly manicured hand against her chest and laughed, tossing her hair over her shoulder. Ah, so she was one of those who had perfected the hair toss.

Not jealous at all.

My jaw hurt.

I needed to stop clenching my teeth, but the more she spoke, even though I couldn’t understand her, the more annoyed I got with how much she laughed at herself and covered her mouth with her hand like she was embarrassed at how funny she was.

And everyone—I do mean everyone—on set was eating it up like she was next in line for the British Monarchy.


Even SWT seemed to join in.

Sookie had stars in his eyes.

Kai was flirty toward her, constantly finding reasons to touch her.

Jay’s laugh was infectious, so much so that even though I was annoyed as she pulled things out of her bag: perfume, an iPad, more perfume, lip gloss.

I found myself smiling.

She had a worn paperback that she set out next as her expression turned serious. I was surprised the place didn’t break out into applause. One of the PAs literally wiped their cheeks like they were moved emotionally.

What the hell was going on?

I shifted from my right foot to my left as she finished pulling out tissues. Huh, that must have made people happy too, as she made a little heart expression with her fingers and smiled at the camera like the cutest girl in the world.