“See, good as new.” She stands, giving me another one of those life-altering smiles, and my dick strains down my pant leg.

“Maybe, but no way you are riding that thing back.”

“No? Okay, well maybe I’ll just have a sleep over with the deer then. Is that what you were thinking? I’d stay?” She nips her lip and my cock leaks like a hose down my thigh. “Just kidding. I’ll walk it back. I have to be home for family dinner.”

I hate that she ever has to leave again but I try to put away my disappointment as I look up and see the deer lined up at the fence, watching us.

“Looks like they are waiting for you.”

She looks toward the paddock and giggles. “Guess so.”

I reach down and take her hand, entwining our fingers as we walk toward the deer. “Stay here. I have some treats you can give them.”

I rush into the barn, grabbing the full buckets, and stomp back out, ready to set them down next to her when I stall, frozen in place.

She’s crawled through the fence and is standing in the center of the paddock, all eighteen of the deer in a circle around her, sniffing and rubbing their snouts on her outstretched hands, her back, her arms.

I follow, standing off to the edge, watching.

“They never go to anyone but me,” I grunt, eyes fixed on that glorious ass.

She grins. “Guess they like how I smell.”

“They aren’t the only ones,” I answer as she gives me a look.

“Did you call me baby over there?”

“I did.” I clear my throat. “You liked it, didn’t you?”

She takes a moment. I can see the answer in her eyes but she’s taking her time reconciling with it.

Finally, she nods. “I did.”

“Good. Get used to it.” I carry the buckets and press my body between two of the deer. “Back off. She’s not yours to eat.”

She gives me a knowing look but doesn’t reply. We spend the next half hour feeding the deer, chatting and laughing. I already knew I was in deep with her, but I know now I’m fucking ass over teakettle in love with her.

She’s sweet, but strong. Funny and bright. She is stunning and yet pure and honest, without a hint of ego or seeming knowledge of just how breathtaking she is.

I wonder if she could ever feel the same way as me. She’s soft, her skin like the most delicate flower petals. Eyes that make me want to disappear into them, forgetting how being alone was my refuge for so long. I can’t let her leave. Not even for a short time before she moves back. I can’t have her out of my sight.

Not again.

Watching her fall from the ATV, the possessive, protective fury swelled up and exploded inside of me. What if I wasn’t here? What if she was truly hurt? The machine landing on top of her…

I shake my head. No, she cannot go away ever again.

The sun is setting, the exterior lights on the barn flickering to life, and the reindeer have moved away, chomping on their hay as I open the gate for Heather.

“It’s getting close to dinner. I should go. What should I do with that death machine?” She nods to the ATV still on its side in the snow.

“Well, you’re not riding it,” I answer. “But, I’ll drive, you get on back.”

“So, you’re saying you’re a better driver than me?”

“Doesn’t matter. It’s how you and this thing are getting home. But, there will be a toll to pay.”

She gives me a narrow look, her lips in a tight smile. “A toll?”

“Yep. A kiss.”

I hold my breath as she pauses, my balls feeling like they have a heartbeat of their own.

“Well…” she begins, her lips tugging on their own, teeth biting into them to hold the nervous grin at bay, “I was hoping for another kiss, to be honest.”

That’s all I need to hear. I pull her up, lifting her easily around the waist and mounting her on the front of my body as she yelps, her hands slipping around my shoulders.

I grunt as her tits press into my chest, our lips smashing together as my tongue presses into her warm mouth.

My hands drop down to grip her ass as I groan, my cock hardening to the point of pain.

Her little moans as we kiss only fuel my fire, knowing a few hours away from her will be torture.

I want to have this with her from now on. Kissing and holding her. Protecting her against any harm that may come her way.

We walk like that through the snow path from the ATV to the line of trees at the front of her grandparents’ property. Only then do we stop kissing as I set her down, feeling the loss of her body against mine. The loss of her sweet kiss on my lips.