I rush back to the house from the barn, peel my dirty clothes off and dive into the shower, letting the scalding water run over my body. Every thought is of her, my dick standing to its full height as I run my hand up and down, getting it slick with soap, wanting relief but knowing there is none now without her.

After my shower, my mind is filled with all the filthy ways I want to fuck her. I run the towel through my hair, dressing in jeans and a red flannel shirt over a gray thermal, grunting in pain as I have to bend over, fighting against my rock-hard cock to get my socks and boots on.

I race down the hall when I hear the high-pitched sound coming from across the front pasture toward where I have a view of her grandparents’ massive white plantation-style house.

I look around for my coat and realize I left it at the bar, so I grab a Carhart vest, shove my arms in and head out the front door. A truck is pulling in the driveway as I glance from it to the movement on the snow between the houses, my heart racing, knowing it’s her heading this way.

“Shit,” I hiss as I see the red Ford pick-up pulling up the drive as I stomp over toward the barn.

Donald waves out the window, and normally I find him tolerable, which is about as close as I come to liking someone, but right now he needs to get the fuck gone because Heather is the only thing on my mind.

“What do you want?” I shout, running my fingers over my chin, glancing between him and the oncoming ATV.

“Well, you’re welcome, ass.” He opens the door and hops down into the snow. “You forgot your fucking gloves and coat at the bar. You ran out like a lunatic.”

The sun is streaming lower through the pines behind the house, the winter air dropping a few degrees as the light starts to fade and the flurries from earlier turn into wet clumps of heavy snow, sticking to everything.

He holds my coat out toward me as I start to grunt out a thank you but I hear the yelp and scream and forget everything but the sound of her voice.

I’m at a run like a wolf on his prey as I see the ATV flying upward, its wheels bouncing on the ground, teetering on two, then going the other way as Heather’s little body flies up and off the seat, the engine screaming as she must be clutching the throttle instead of letting go.

Panic sweeps through me as the ATV lurches forward after bouncing from the ground and Heather finally releases the handlebars, arching in the air before falling in a puff of snow, a low scream of pain cutting into my heart.

I hear Donald behind me, but she’s my only focus.

It’s scant seconds before I get to her, passing the ATV with its wheels still spinning as it lies on its side, the engine cutting off now that she’s not on board.

I dig deep, lunging forward on my knees, claws of fear ripping into my center.

“Baby…” I say as relief courses through me. She sits up, screwing her mouth into an embarrassed twist and brushing the snow off her face, then throwing her arms straight up toward the sky.

“Taa daaaaaa!” She yells, then drops her hands on a shrug. “I like to make an entrance.”

She smiles and my world belongs to her. She’s covered in fluffy white snow like Santa just delivered me my own personal snow angel.

Donald comes up beside us, panting, bending over with his hands on his knees. I look up to see his eyes go wide, then look at Heather, and fire shoots from my eyes at my friend.

Heather must sense the cold on her exposed flesh, because she drops her eyes from me down to her chest.

“Oh my God.” She releases a little chirpy laugh. “Wardrobe malfunction.”

Her hands work fast, but not fast enough because Donald’s gaze is still pinned to where her shirt is tugged open, two buttons popped and the thin little pink lace bra she has on underneath has released one perfect, delectable nipple.

“Get the fuck out.” I stand, pulling Donald by the back of his jacket and shoving him toward his truck.

He must see the rage in my eyes because he mutters some sort of apology to Heather and beats it like lightning back to his truck, pulling out and down the driveway like he’s racing at Daytona.

I know I’ll have to apologize to him later but thinking of any man seeing what belongs to me has red haze clouding my vision and homicidal thoughts taking over my usually calm mind.

I help her stand, checking her over as she swats away the snow covering her impeccable ass. She bends over, brushing more off her calves and I take note of the skintight black stretch pants making my mouth water.