It all happened so fast, but I don’t give a shit.

I’m going to see those reindeer, and whatever other Christmas surprises may pop up.

Chapter 3


“What the fuck was that?” Phil leans over, wiping up the last of my spilled hot chocolate, but all I can think about is how she swiped it from my lip then sucked it into her mouth.

“What the fuck was what?” I counter, reaching down to try to keep my cock from snapping in half as my eyes roam back to where Heather is now sitting with her back to me.

“Just never much saw you as a kissing sort of guy. Especially with a little girl half your age. And less than half your size. She even legal, man?” Phil gives me a concerned lift of an eyebrow.

“Mind your own fucking business. And, yes, she’s legal.”


Fuck. My pulse is like a jackhammer in my ears.

She’s coming over. In an hour.

“I gotta go.” I reach for my wallet, pull out a hundred and throw it his way before stomping out the front entrance toward my truck.

The freezing air helps steady me for a moment.

“Calm down,” I tell myself, knowing it’s not going to happen until I have my girl secured into my life, her tight pussy clenched around my cock with the flavor of her cum still fresh on my tongue.

It’s pushing on three thirty when I get back to the house. I do a quick check of my deer, spreading some feed and hay around for them in the paddock. They will stay there for the night now, so I don’t have to chase them around the hundred acres they’re allowed to roam most of the year, when they aren’t doing Christmas events.

I make sure I’ve got a few buckets full of sugar beets and carrots, cut up so Heather can feed them by hand when she comes over. She’s always loved the deer and they’ve loved her. This will be the first time she’s ever come here to the house for an up-close meet, and I want to be sure it’s everything she could want.

My family’s been taking care of the reindeer here for over a hundred years. It’s written in the deed that allowed us to stay here on the property after my great-grandfather went broke in a business deal gone bad with Heather’s great-grandparents.

It’s a long story, known by most locals. Our two great-grandfathers were friends, went into business together building up a hotel in the then small town of Frankenmuth. Both came over from Germany together to find their fortunes.

Only, my -great-grandfather, Edmund, was a little too trusting when it came to business. He was the first to bring the reindeer onto the property. Back then, they were in demand for their hides and horns. He and Archibald, Heather’s great-grandfather, pooled their money to buy the property where her grandparents still live, and I do as well.

Property lines were drawn, contracts signed, but in the end, Edmund for lack of a better way to put it, got screwed. He wasn’t educated like Archibald, signed a contract not knowing what he was giving up.

All the money he put into the purchase of the property, only gave him a long-term lease of sorts. He could live and stay on the land, as long as he used it for only himself and his family, no other ventures besides the stewardship of the reindeer herd.

No reindeer, no lease.

Three generations later, I’m here. No fucking way I’m going to let my great-grandfather down and be the one to let the property revert back to the Vredenbergs.

It’s the principle. To be honest, Heather and Davis’s grandparents are decent folks, but they are as invested in the old rivalry as their own parents.

Stupidity doesn’t always skip a generation.

Just look at Davis. He’s got his name engraved on a hundred levels of stupid trophies.

Only, it’s just another reason why a miracle like Heather would never want a man like me. Our families have been neighbors and enemies for decades.

Still, none of that seems to matter, knowing she’s coming here. Coming to me. And I only wish I had a castle and a fortune fit for a princess like her.

Instead, I have my reindeer, and my garage where I fix up old cars and resell them. I’ve never had to spend my money on anything but food and supplies and care for the deer. I have a comfortable life and bank accounts with enough to provide, but I’m not rich by the world’s standards.

My heart sinks, knowing it’s still not what she deserves, but I can’t imagine my life without her now that I’ve tasted her lips. Now that she’s turned that corner into womanhood and I saw that look in her eyes.

A look that told me she wanted me too, and my former obsession turns manic.