Only, with his all-American boy, varsity jacket, wholesome façade, teachers looked the other way. With me? I spent more time in detention and suspended than anyone else in my graduating class.

When you look like a monster, you get treated like a monster.

I stare at her, standing to my full freakish height as my boner strains and does battle against my zipper. The amount of blood leaving my brain in a rush to fill the massive length makes the room start to spin as a rage flames through me at all the other fucks who think they can look at what’s mine.

Yes, fucking mine.

I’ve waited. But in this instant, I know I won’t let her go again. Not now. Not ever again.

Claws rake down the muscles of my back and a guttural sound rips from my throat as they head toward the bar.

She’s the only thing that’s ever made me feel things like this. My nature is stoic, unaffected. But, with her, I’m alive. Feral. Obsessed.

Time bends around her. Heather’s movements are in slow motion as she spins her head, her hair flying around as she slips off her emerald-green jacket, revealing a plaid skirt that brushes her mid-thigh. Her creamy flesh spilling out of a tight white long-sleeved blouse, unbuttoned too far to show off her voluptuous juicy tits that have me spellbound.

My mouth waters, thinking of how she will taste. How her nipples will harden as I suck. My fingers twitch as my hands shake and I’m losing the last shred of control I had when I woke up this morning, praying she would be here today.

“Well, Dodge Ronson.” Her brother eyes me up and down as I fight off a snarl. “Always the dapper dresser.”

The blonde next to him, who I presume is his new bride, giggles. Heather is to my right, just a few steps away, but she hasn’t looked at me yet. She stands behind a chair where she’s laid her jacket, a few other locals smiling and greeting her as their tense gazes snap my way.

When her head turns my world stops. Her sky-blue eyes grab me by the balls and squeeze. I’m dying standing here, her scent already torturing me as her bubblegum-pink lips offer a hesitant smile.

A growl fills my swelling chest and I have to fight the urge to pull her next to me, reach down and run my rough palm up her creamy thigh until I get a handful of her warmth, showing her who she is going to be to me from now on.

“Hi,” I hear her say, but in my head it translates into something filthy. An invitation to mount her silky heat on my face and let her ride my tongue into forever. “Sorry I missed today’s parade. I always love to see your reindeer pulling the sleigh. But, I’ll be sure to be there for the Christmas Eve show.”

“We were delayed,” her brother interjects, but I don’t turn his way. I’m hypnotized by her fluttering lashes, the little miniature twinkling Christmas-bulb earrings she’s wearing. “But…” his voice drones on as my heart hammers in my chest, “she was griping about missing seeing your reindeer today. Maybe she can come by later? It’s time we let the past be the past. We are neighbors, after all. I just bought a new ATV at the grandparents’, she could ride over. Feed the deer. Get her to shut up about me making her miss—”

“We’re not neighbors. Your grandparents are my neighbors,” I grunt.

He shrugs a shoulder. “Things are changing.”

I step right up to him, looking down, wondering what he means. “No one should make her shut up. She can talk whenever she wants.”

His eyes go wide, then narrow. “Step down, Dodge. This isn’t high school.”

Rage heats my skin. No one should ever tell her to shut up. I look over to see her discomfort as she worries her bottom lip, looking at us both. The blonde standing next to him looks amused.

“I should go,” I bark. If I don’t, I’m going to hurt him and start cutting off the hands of every guy in the bar that’s looking her way thinking they may have a chance to touch her.

“No, don’t leave.” Davis reaches in his pocket and hands Heather a twenty-dollar bill. “Go buy him a drink, sis. Get him whatever he wants.”

Heather’s uncertain eyes lock on mine as her cheeks turn ripe pink and warm, sticky cum seeps from my dick and down my leg.

“Do you want a drink?” she asks, trepidation in her voice, and I have to lie.

“Yes,” I grunt, giving her brother a glare as he chuckles and takes a seat at the table with the other locals. “Come with me.”

I reach down and grab her hand, the contact shooting through me like I’ve just touched a live wire. This is my moment and I’m not letting it go.