“That’s not funny, hitman, and that’s not fucking funny at all,” she says, fake pouting.

“It’s a little bit funny,” I say before tickling her ribs.

“Stop. Please stop,” she says in between giggling fits.

“I don’t think I will,” I say, my dick already hard again from her squirming on top of me.

“Oh, it looks like you didn’t die,” she says, raising herself up onto her knees. She gently grabs my cock and guides it into her.

“Not this time,” I growl as she sinks down on her throne.

Getting to marry this girl, this treasure, will be my greatest wish.




“Do you, Bella Luna Vitali take this man to be your lawful wedded husband until death parts you?”

“I do,” I breathe, ready for this part to be over and for me to be his wife.

“And do you Alonzo Andrea Fratelli take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife until death parts you?”

“I do.”

“Then by the power vested in me by the State of New York and God Almighty, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Not a split second later, his lips are on mine, and I am his wife. Forever.

Not once since the moment he rescued me did I think we’d end up here. I thought I was too young for him, and he’d never love me the way I love him, but I was wrong. He loves me more than I ever thought possible, and I thank God every single day for giving us to each other. Last night at the rehearsal dinner, which I can’t even believe we were able to have on such short notice, my dad gave us a small house on the compound. It’s far enough away from my parents that we’ll feel like we are on our own, but close enough for homemade lasagna or reliable babysitters. My mom and Brynn put together such a lovely event, and I don’t know how they did or how I can repay them.

Alonzo and I haven’t left each other’s side for a moment since he came to my room a few days ago.

Alonzo grabs my hands when the reception is well underway and drags me out of the heated tent onto the grounds. It snowed last night, and it’s cold and beautiful out here behind the houses. It’s just us and a lit-up gazebo.

“What are we doing out here?” I ask. He put his jacket on me, but lace and silk aren’t very warm regardless, but I’ll be warm in the morning. He booked seven days and six nights in Maui, and I can’t wait. I packed nothing but dresses, sandals, bikinis, and sunscreen.

“I love you, Bella Fratelli, my beautiful wife.”

“I love you too, Alonzo,” I reply. He moves into my space and lifts me up, and he puts my back against the pillar. With my ass balanced on one of his hands, he reaches between us, fumbles around for a second, and then pulls my dress up.

“Pull those tiny panties to the side, wife. I’ve got to fuck you now,” he says. Immediately, I do what he says. He moves his thumb up and down my slit before sliding his hard cock into me quickly.

“Shit,” I moan and begin to move. My back hits the wall on every thrust, and I don’t care. I feel like I’m flying.

“Good girl. Take my fucking cock like the good wife you are,” he demands, and I can do nothing but take it. His filthy mouth doesn’t stop there as he murmurs all kinds of nasty things to me. “You just wait until I get this cock in that tiny ass of yours, baby.”

“Mmm…” I moan. “Promises, promises.”

“That’s a guarantee, baby. We’re going to do everything that there is; we’ll even invent a few of our own things.

“I’d love that,” I murmur, but nothing else matters right now but chasing the orgasm that he is giving me. “Fuck. Alonzo. Fill. Me.”

“You want my seed, baby? Beg me.”

“Fuck, Alonzo. Please give me your seed. Fill my cunt up with that baby batter. Make me feel good,” I whine. I don’t know why it comes out as a whine, but I can’t help it.

“Fuck. Bella. This solid gold cunt is priceless,” he groans, and I feel the heat of his cum filling me up. He kisses me while he fills me.

What a way to start off our marriage. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I’m glad I did.




“Push, baby. One more push,” I shout as she squeezes the fuck out of my hand. We are in the hospital for the birth of our eighth child. With seven little boys at home, we are finally getting our girl. It’s four in the morning. I had a late night, but it seems like it’s just getting started. I barely had enough time to wash the blood off of me before Bella went into labor three hours ago.