Page 73 of Make You Mine

“Looks like the bow of a ship. You’re really into this Moby Dick stuff.” I give him a prod with my elbow, and he pushes back.

“I don’t know what a moby is, but I don’t want it on my dick.”

I’m heading back to the office so I can send Drew a text. “Actually, Moby means something big or important.”

“Shit. In that case, my dick is Moby. Magnum Moby.”

“All right, get out of here with that.”

He shuts the hood and takes off, waving back and calling something about Moby Monster. I’ve already picked up my phone, getting a little charge at the prospect of making contact with her again.

My drug of choice is back, and I smile thinking of reading her words, touching her through the ether.

Me: Jag is out and at the garage. No damage to the body or paint. Looks like you got lucky, kid. I’ll drop it off later, but no road trips before new tires. I’ll do it Monday.

I wait a few minutes, watching the little dots indicating she’s typing. It’s so easy to fall back into this with her. To fall back into these feelings.

Drew: You are a lifesaver. Can’t wait to tell Dad.

Me: Was he pissed at you?

I don’t like the idea of her dad talking to her the way he used to talk to Danny, especially if he’s drinking. Danny was a shitty drunk.

Drew: He wasn’t happy, but I distracted him by talking about you.

That actually makes me laugh.

Me: I’m sure that went really well.

Drew: It went okay. Sometimes he’s more open than others.

Me: I’ve never known your dad to be open when it came to me.

Drew: I’m open when it comes to you.

For a moment, I only look at the words. I know what she’s saying. Drew’s a smart girl, and even though we’ve been close, she knows I haven’t told her everything.

Drew: Gray?

Me: Sleep well, Drew-baby.

Drew: I’d sleep better if you were here.

I confess, that puts a little rise in my pants. I shake my head, grinning.

Me: I’m certain your dad would not be open to me in your bed.

Drew: We can discuss it over breakfast.

I’m full-on grinning now.

Me: Let’s build to that, okay?

Drew: Oooh kay.

Me: Goodnight. Bring the car Monday.

Drew: I will. (kiss emoji)