Page 97 of Wait for Me

I put the truck in park, and Noel hops out quickly, opening the passenger’s side door. I jog around to help her ease the lady to her feet. She’s light as a twig, and her excitement is infectious.

“Taron painted the exterior.” Noel takes her hand, and while I’m in front of her, Miss Jessica gives me a firm hug.

I lean down to hug her back, grateful for this sweet old person. She’s always treated me with warmth and acceptance, even after I came back.

“Such a good man,” she says, patting my cheek.

“He is.” Noel states emphatically, and my chest tightens.

“Daddy! Get me!” Dove is out of her booster chair standing in the middle of the seats.

I reach in and help her to the ground, and she takes off running to the store with Akela bounding right beside her.

“That little girl has more energy than a jack rabbit!” Miss Jessica laughs, and Noel holds her hand, walking slowly over the uneven ground to the sidewalk we added.

Dove goes through the door, leaving it open. We’re close behind, and when Miss Jessica sees the inside, she gasps.

The walls are painted a peachy gold, and the floors are sanded and waxed so the warm yellow pine is soft and inviting. Noel’s hands are clasped in front of her lips, and she watches her friend inspect the place. I’m pretty sure she’s holding her breath, wanting her to be proud of it. I put my arms around her shoulders. I’m proud.

With the setting sun coming through the new windows, the place looks absolutely golden.

“I have to get an electrician out here so we can get some light and heat.” Noel holds her hands out. “Otherwise…”

“I love it.” Miss Jessica’s eyes are teary. “It is truly Autumn’s Bounty.”

“Uncle Leon’s home!” Dove bounces on her toes in front of the window at the sound of a truck driving past.

Leon does a little honk, and we wave. Dove takes off running out the door with the dog right behind her. “It’s starting to snow!”

Noel shouts after her. “Go straight to the house. It’s getting dark.”

I watch her golden head skipping down the hill, and a flicker of hesitation moves through my chest. “Think she’s okay by herself…”

But Noel’s distracted showing her friend the glass cases and built-in shelves. I stand back while they discuss where to put everything. Fat clumps of snow fall from the sky, and I know it won’t last. It’s cold, but we don’t get real snow this far south.

The sun is gone by the time we finish dropping Miss Jessica off at Pine Hills and getting her settled.

“We need another batch of pralines, Noel!” The nurse greets us at the door, taking Miss Jessica’s hand.


“They were gone in five minutes.”

Miss Jessica’s jaw drops. “I didn’t even get one!”

Noel gives her a hug, speaking quietly in her ear. “I’ll bring a special batch just for you next week.”

That satisfies her, and we’re on the road to the house when Noel reaches over and takes my hand. “This was a good day.”

My hand closes over hers, and I want to tell her what’s in my heart. I want to make her and Dove my family once and for all. I decide tonight, after everyone’s in bed. I’ll go to her window…

She hops out the cab when we reach the house and jogs up the back steps. “I’m sure Leon’s going to be fussing for his supper.”

Pulling the door open, she calls. “Dove, Leon, we’re back.”

I’m halfway through the door when I hear the panic hit Noel. “What do you mean, she isn’t here?”

“I thought she was with you guys…” Leon is on his feet, Sawyer right beside him.