Page 85 of Dirty Dealers

Blix seizes my wrist. He’s too strong, and he manages to squeeze the blade from my hand. It hits the concrete with a light tinging sound.

Gurgling is at my face, and vomit burns my throat. “Dev…” Blix tries to say, but his teeth are clenched together.

I got him right through the neck and into his jaw. Liquid bubbles in his throat, and I’m terrified. I got him, but it wasn’t enough. He’s still alive, and now I’m unarmed… And Taz and Dev are steps away.

Shushing noises come from my left. Ava races forward to grab the knife off the ground, but Blix is ready. Still holding my arm, I feel his leg move as he kicks her with all his might.

She yelps like a dog being kicked, and she lands with a hard thud. No more noises.

“AVA!” Tears are in my eyes, and as much as I try to fight them away, they spill down my cheeks.

He hurt her. More gurgling is at my ear. “Time to die, Kass.” It’s a snarling, wet sound through gritted teeth, and it nauseates me.

I try to jerk my arm away. I bend my knees and try to twist, but he has me. He whips me up and spins me around so my back is to his chest. Pushing me, he guides us to the cot. Blood is still pouring on me hot and sticky.

“JESUS!” Taz is back, running to where we stand. “What the hell happened to you?”

Blix’s jaws are still clenched, but he grinds out a response. “Tie her up.”

Taz takes me from his boss and pushes me onto my stomach on the cot. My hands are behind my back, and he grips my ankles. I struggle, trying to fight, but I’m hog tied. I can’t move. My wrists are behind my back, my ankles tied to them. I jerk, but it makes no difference. I can barely breathe, but I can hear Blix drowning in his own blood. It’s the only thing that gives me hope. He’s got to be weakening. He’s got to pass out.

“Beautiful,” he says through clenched teeth.

“Shit!” Now Dev is with us. “What the fuck happened to you?”

“I need fire,” Blix says, and the momentary satisfaction I felt dissolves into panic. “Bring me a long, metal hook.”

The tackle box hits the concrete. I hear it open, and I can see the scene in my mind’s eye like so many times before. He’s choosing the exact tool to inflict the most pain. A metal lighter scrapes, and orange flames appear in my peripheral vision.

“Where will you start?” Taz asks the question on everyone’s mind.

“Ears,” Blix growls, and I struggle against the rope. He knows the only thing I have left is my ability to hear. If he takes that away… “Only three things can cause permanent hearing loss in adults: disease, traumatic brain injury, or damage to the middle ear structure.” I’m completely blinded by my tears as he continues. “Tie her hair back.”

Taz jerks my head side to side as he pulls my hair into a knot. I can’t escape. My wrists are bound to my ankles, and Ava is knocked out on the floor.

“Boss?” I’ve never heard Taz use such deference with Blix. It almost distracts me.


“If you kill her, I’ll never get to…” His voice dies out and my stomach roils. “I always wanted to try a blind girl.”

Blix shoves off the stool and gets right in his face. “Blind-deaf girls still have warm pussies. You’ll get to fuck her.”

Bile fills my throat. If I wasn’t sure I was in hell before, I’m convinced I’ve sunk to the depths now. Closing my eyes, I allow the tears to flow.

He pulls my earlobe taut, and I feel the heat approaching my skin. Hot metal sears my daith, and I shriek. I can’t breathe anymore. I’ve reached the end, and with a final exhale, I release myself to…

Scream my ass off.

“NOOOO!!!!” I scream.

“NOOOO!!!!” I s

cream like it’s the last thing I’ll ever do, because it probably is.

I scream and scream. I scream so hard, I’ll probably burst a blood vessel in my face.

I’m still screaming when the burning suddenly stops. I breathe hoarsely in and out. I sound like a wild thing, but I understand what’s happening. Blix has fallen beside the cot.