Page 74 of Dirty Dealers

“Aren’t you the brave man, picking on a blind girl?” So much hatred is in her voice, I’m afraid for her.

“I’m the man who decides if you live or die. I’d suggest you shut the fuck up.”

Ava’s about to respond, but my arms tighten around her waist. I turn my head toward her ear and barely speak the words. “Stop talking.”

She tenses, but I know she understands my meaning. Our plan hangs on Blix believing he’s beaten us; that we’re too weak and afraid to retaliate. And while I don’t believe Blix will actually kill Ava—at least not until he gets what he wants—her taunting might provoke him to hurt her. I’ve seen it too many times… him sending messages coupled with body parts.

Silence closes around us like a shroud. The vehicle stops, and Blix moves in close to my ear. “Time’s up, Kass.”

His breath is like tiny bugs crawling on my skin, but I hold steady. I don’t have the same level of confidence about Blix sparing my life. I’ve delivered the goods, but he knows I’m compromised. I’ve already tried to kill him once and failed.

The metal door behind us slides open, and Ava and I both scramble forward. Taz is outside the door. “Everybody out,” he says.

We don’t move. I don’t move because I’m not sure where to go or what I’ll be stepping into. Ava is having a hard time letting go of her innate defiance, but I clasp her hand in mine and scoot us toward the opening. Taz has never shown any compassion for my blindness. Thankfully, instead of taunting me, this time he only turns and walks away.

Ava takes the lead once we’ve reached the edge of the van and steps out into the cool, damp air. I hear her shoes crunch on gravel, and I slip my foot forward, feeling for the ground. If the sun were out, I’d be able to discern more about my surroundings, but as it is, I take Ava’s arm when she offers it. The best course of action for both of us right now is to play like meek little lambs.

“Get inside.” Blix shoves me forward, but I hold onto Ava’s arm, dragging her with me.

A noise like a quiet growl comes from her throat, but I tighten my fingers on her arm. Keep steady, Ava. The air inside the structure is as cold and damp as the air outside, and I can tell by the sounds of the wind the roof is missing. It’s darker in this place, which doubles my handicap, and it smells earthy and old like rotting wood.

“It’s an abandoned mill,” Ava says close to my shoulder. “It’s completely empty except for us.”

Heels click on the stone floor approaching us rapidly. My arm is seized in an iron grip that causes me to gasp. “This way,” Taz says, ripping me away from Ava and pulling me behind him.

I stumble and do my best to stay on my feet. My hip strikes a wooden object that scrapes loudly across the floor. Taz continues dragging me faster, and I wave my free hand, hoping to ward off any more collisions.

“Duck,” Taz orders.

I’m confused, and he doesn’t give me time to process before my head slams into the stone wall. White light flashes behind my eyes, and pain splinters through my head.

“Oh!” I shout. Tears sting my vision, and I reach up to stop the bleeding.

“I said to fucking duck,” Taz jerks me forward, and I almost miss the step down into the small room. Water is at my feet, small puddles on the floor.

I can’t stop crying, and I feel the warmth of blood running down the corner of my eye, down my cheek. I reach up again to hold it. It isn’t a large cut, but I know from experience facial wounds bleed profusely.

“Tie her hands.” Blix is in the room, and I jump at the sound of his voice.

Taz turns me roughly, shoving my stomach against what feels like a solid piece of wood. I’m able to steady myself against it. It’s some sort of desk, but he grips my elbows, yanking my hands behind my back.

My insides shudder, causing my shoulders to collapse forward. Taz has my wrists behind my back, and he quickly loops the rope over them, pulling the knot so tight, it’s biting into my skin. I can tell by the echoes of his footsteps we’re in a very small room.

I’m in darkness, waiting for what happens next. My mind keeps pulling up Logan’s face, but I push it away. I want him so badly, I can barely breathe. If only he could save me. If only I could let him know where we are. It’s too late for that now. For five seconds, I allow myself to mourn the loss of him. I allow myself to be comforted by the warmth of our memories. Another set of footsteps joins us, and that moment is gone.

Feet shuffle, the noise of a body being thrown forward and hitting the stone floor joins us. A deep Oof! comes from the person who hit the floor.

“Why are you doing this?” My eyes fly open at the sound of his voice. It’s Cameron!

“Cam?” My voice is shaky and high. “Are you okay?”

“Kass?” He moves fast as if he’s sitting up, and all at once I hear the sharp smack of fist hitting face. Again he lets out a grunt and falls against the wall.

“Don’t get up,” Taz snarls.

“Don’t hurt him!” I shout.

“Scan her.” It’s Blix again.