Page 52 of Dirty Dealers

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen myself clearly.” I turn the statement over in my mind a moment. I hadn’t intended the double meaning. “I don’t know what I’m like now.”

“What’s the hardest part about being blind?”

Her change in direction diffuses the conflict in my chest. I think about her question and rotate toward her. My legs are bent, and I look into the wind, listening to the noise of the surf. “I’ve mostly adjusted to this way of life.”

“Mostly means not entirely.”

Nodding, I rest my cheek on the tops of my knees so I’m looking in her direction. “I miss being able to read people’s expressions. Words and tone of voice can be so different from how people really feel.” She makes a noise of assent, and I slide my hands down my shins. “Also, shaving my legs.”

I see her dark head rise in my peripheral vision. “Wow. Shaving?” She exhales a short laugh. “I would never have thought of that.”

We’ve moved onto easy ground, where my anxiety feels distant. “What’s the hardest part about being queen?”

“Queen regent,” she corrects me. I hum a yes and wait for her answer. “I miss being bad.”

Not what I expected her to say. “I have no idea what that means.”

“Well…” she’s looking around. “I was brought to this country by the men who tried to kill my husband.”

I’d heard this about her. Cameron had filled me in on the whole twisted tale. “You didn’t know they were planning to kill him.”

“Still, I knew they were planning to betray him.” She hesitates a moment. “Money can be a powerful motivator.”

I don’t answer right away. It’s possible I misjudged Ava Wilder… Westringham Tate. “How would you be bad?”

I hear a door closing behind us followed by footsteps moving toward the outer edge of the patio, giving us space. Ava leans closer and whispers, “What’s something Logan always carries?”

“A gun?”

“Something else. Smaller.”

I retrace the few days we were together. “He has two phones…”

“Stay here.” She’s up and walking away from me before the words register in my brain.

Waiting on the lounger, I don’t look over my shoulder, but I listen as she greets the sexy guard who has my emotions so tangled. His deep voice squeezes my insides. I can’t make out what they’re saying, but Ava’s voice is teasing. She does a little laugh, and I hear her returning to where I wait. She’s moving quickly, and she pats my legs, causing me to sit up so she can sit close beside me on the lounger.

“Give me your hand,” she whispers. I hold it out, and she places it on top of a small rectangular shape. “It was in his breast pocket.” Her voice is giddy, and I can feel the excitement buzzing around her.

“What did you do?”

“I picked his pocket.”

My eyes widen and she flips our hands, leaving the small phone on my palm and taking hers away. “You can give it back to him.”

“But… How?”

“It’s simply a matter of distraction and redirection.” She’s smiling, bouncing lightly on the seat.

“Everyone says you’re beautiful.” I turn slightly and hold up my hand toward her cheek. “May I? It helps me see you.”

“Really?” She guides my palm to her cheek. “How?”

I drop the phone in my lap and slide the tips of my fingers lightly over her high cheekbones down to her full lips. “What color are your eyes?”

“Sort of a bluish green?”

“And your hair is long and dark.” I move my fingers to the soft waves on her shoulder. “That’s your secret weapon. You’re very beautiful.”