Page 77 of Dirty Dealers

“Shit,” I exhale, twisting the handle and roaring the engine as I start down the winding street. “Where were you when they were on Ava’s Vespa?”

“I was right behind them. I was with them the whole time.”

Freddie’s an experienced guard. He’s been with me since the days I was training in Morocco. His specialty is technology for a reason, and I blame myself for this screw-up. The only reason Freddie was guarding Ava was because I wouldn’t leave Kass’s side.

Until last night.

“We’re in a situation of increased danger,” I say, doing my best to keep the fury out of my voice. “You don’t let them choose such an insecure method of transportation at a time like this.”

“They were only riding… having coffee… looking at flowers.” He sounds legitimately stunned. “They rode into the mountains, and before I could stop them they were surrounded.”

Fire is in my chest. “Who was it? Did you get plate numbers?”

“I took photos with my bike’s camera. I have to get back to the palace and analyze them, run them against our databases. We can still find her on GPS. Kass’s implant is functioning. I’m heading to the palace now. I’ll send you the location.”

“Don’t waste any time.” I’m doing my best to maneuver the crowded streets, but it’s got me at a snail’s pace. “Where were you exactly when you lost them?”

“She turned off at Route de la Turbie. They were on the Boulevard d’Italie climbing into the cliffs when they were surrounded. I was completely cut off.”

I wish I had asked that question first. I would’ve taken another route. “Any clue where they were headed?”

“None, but we have the signal. I will find her.”

“Does Rowan know what’s happening?” I’ve finally reached the outskirts of the city, and I’m turning my motorcycle north into the hills leading to the cliffs.

“I wanted to tell him in person.”

So he can kill you, I muse. Shaking that thought away, I push on. “Let the king know I’m tracking them. As soon as you’ve found her, report their movements to me.”

“Her Vespa went over the cliff. She wasn’t on it. Neither of them was, but at the Col de Guerre, the SUVs split up. They went in three different directions.”

“This is why we have a tracking device. I need you to hurry. I’m at the bluffs.”

“I’m at the palace now.”

I lean into the wind as the bike climbs higher into the mountains. The air is heavy with rain, but I won’t let it stop me. I only wish I had a car. So many choices would be different in hindsight. I can only push through the regrets and focus on finding them before Blix does anything lethal.

I reach the Route de la Turbie and follow the Boulevard d’Italie into the higher elevations. I can pick up speed on the straight ways, but when I reach the hairpin curves, I have to drop my speed all the way to a crawl. Otherwise, I risk going over the cliff along with Ava’s Vespa.

Deep green trees surround the road the higher I go. I’m in the high altitudes, but deep in the forest. As more time passes, I get further away from signs of life. Still, I’m making progress. Between the speeding up and slowing down, my arms are weary, and it feels like I’ve been out here for hours. The sun is overhead but still behind a dense layer of clouds, and I’m starting to wonder where the hell Freddie is. I’m ready to pull the bike off to the side and check the app myself, when my earpiece crackles to life.

“Logan—you there?”

I barely resist the urge to shout at him. “Of course, I’m here. What’s taken so long?”

“I don’t know if it’s the altitude or if he has her inside a steel container. It took some time to locate her signal.”

“Am I headed in the right direction?” I don’t have time for explanations or technical details.

“You’re close. Slow down and look for a road to Roquebrune. You’ll follow a tunnel straight through the hillside.”

I’m not far from the turnoff, and I know the tunnel well. “Roquebrune isn’t large enough to hide them.” The medieval village is perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the sea. “I was here two years ago for the tennis masters. Ava will be recognized at once.”

“You’re not going to Roquebrune.”

I’m trying to understand. “Is he taking them to Italy?”

“Tell me when you’re through the tunnel.”