Page 69 of Dirty Dealers

“What were you doing?” My voice is lower, a bit more sinister.

“I looked away.” He glances to the side where a busty redhead is swaying to the music. She looks over her shoulder and waves at us, and I have to fight my urge to grab him by the collar.

“Did anybody see anything?”

Stefano returns to where we’re standing. He’s breathless and sweat lines the dark hair at his temples. It’s the one thing that brings me down a notch. He’d better be sweating.

“His band mate said one of the delivery guys needed help. Last he saw, Cameron was following a fellow out to a lorry.”

“Why the hell would he do that?” Rex snaps. “He’s the fucking front man for the band!”

If Cameron is captured, I have no idea what Kass will do to save him. This time panic squeezes my chest. “He’s young and friendly. They could have told him anything.” I can’t waste time here. I’ve got to get to Kass. “See what you can find out about that truck. Report back to me or Freddie.”

I turn and Ava’s so close, I have to catch her arms. “Your majesty.”

She arches an eyebrow, and I’m pretty sure she knows this is more than a casual situation. “I’ll return to the palace with Hajib. See what you can find out and let me know.”

“I’ll escort you to the car.”

Hajib has been a longtime driver for the royal family, and he easily doubles as a guard. He’s thick and stocky and served in the Moroccan military.

A strobe of camera flashes blind us as soon as we exit the café. Paparazzi are a fact of life for the royal family, and I hold out my arm, blocking her from them with my body.

She’s in the car, and I lean down, speaking to Hajib. “Take her straight to the palace.” He nods, and I straighten, ready to close the door.

Ava’s hand shoots out and stops it. “I want to know she’s safe. Text me when you find her.”

“I will.” She relents, and I slam the door.

I’m of little importance in the entertainment world, so as the car moves slowly away, the photographers move with it. For the first time, I’m not so annoyed by their presence. They’re another layer of protection tonight, and Hajib won’t be reckless or put Ava’s life in danger. He’ll deliver her safely to their destination.

That matter settled, I’m racing down the alley, headed to my bike.

Kass is in her apartment alone when I secretly climb the fire escape to check on her. The noise of her crying rips my heart, and I want to go inside, take her in my arms and comfort her. The only thing holding me back is the king’s order to wait. To see if Blix comes to her or if she goes to him.

She’s not sobbing or breaking down, but every few moments, she slides her palm across her cheek, wiping away a new flood of tears. As much as it hurts me, I steel my emotions. We’ve got to find out what she knows.

I’ve never been more frustrated with Rowan in the history of my career as a guard. Still, I can’t jeopardize the case.

Freddie texted me shortly after I arrived. They’re searching for her brother. His friends had to improvise their final set. They’re pissed, but they’re also worried.

The consensus is he never does this, Freddie texts. Even the girl he’s been sleeping with is worried.

Keep me posted, is all I reply.

Based on what I’m seeing, how Kass is acting, I’m convinced Blix is behind this. Dammit, I swear in my mind. If I could only be sure she would work with us. Instead, I watch helpless as she walks around her apartment hugging her torso when she’s not wiping away tears. I won’t leave her. I won’t let her do anything dangerous without me here to save her.

For the second night in a row, I have to lean back in the darkness and breathe through my urges. Last night I had to listen to her confess she loves me. Tonight I struggle against going in there and taking matters into my own hands.

The night wears on, and I start to nod. My phone buzzes, and it’s the king. Come in. I’ve sent Freddie to watch her while you sleep.

My jaw clenches, and the last thing I want to do is leave. Leaning forward, I can see her cheek in the light of the streetlamp. It’s no longer shining with tears, but a line pierces her forehead. She’s stressed and it makes me worry.

I can stay, I text back.

You can’t help her if you’re exhausted.

Leaning my head against the brick wall, I know he’s right. Two nights in a row is too long for me to remain sharp. I have to trust Freddie won’t let her out of his sight until I return. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but I follow orders.