Page 74 of Here With Me

By the time I’m back at the house, Noel is waiting in the kitchen with Leon’s birthday cake.

“I told you I’m too old for a party.” Leon is in a tux, tugging on the collar. “I’m late to pick up Rachelle.”

“You’re never too old to celebrate your birthday.” My sister is fussing, lighting candles. “Why didn’t you bring Rachelle with you?”

Noel is dressed in a floor-length blue silk gown, and her dark hair is styled up on one side and down on the other. I don’t remember when the peach ball became such a formal event. Not too long ago, it was just jeans, blazers, and cocktail dresses.

“Sawyer, thank God you made it! I thought we were going to have to cut the cake without you.” I’m a dirty mess, and when I check the clock, it’s ten til seven. Shit. I’m supposed to be at Mindy’s at seven.

“Why can’t I go to the ball? I can dance like Angelina Ballerina.” Taron enters the room wearing a tux and carrying Dove on his hip.

She’s in a pink nightgown, and I can tell by her eyes she’s tired.

“It’s a dance for grownups, baby.” She drops her head on his shoulder, and he smooths his hand down her little back. “Suzanna’s going to watch movies with you and eat popcorn and look, we have birthday cake.”

Dove makes a little whine, and Suzanna, her thirteen-year-old babysitter watches from the doorway separating the kitchen from the living room.

“Stop right there!” Noel grabs my arm before I’m able to make a quick exit to the shower. “Now all of you get around here. It’s time to sing.”

The candles are all lit, and Leon drops his head back as we start singing. Dove punctuates every verse with cha-cha-cha. I have no idea how that started, but she’s been doing it since preschool.

“And many more!” Noel sings, dancing over to kiss our little brother’s cheek and give him a hug.

We all take a few bites of cake, and Leon slips out the back door. I’m about to go when Noel stops me again. “You coming tonight?”

“I always do.” In the past, I’ve just gone to be a presence. She has no idea I invited a date this year.

Another worried glance at the clock, and I’m not sure I’ll have one if I’m too much longer.

Twenty minutes later, I’m climbing into my truck in a tuxedo. I’ve had it since Noel decided it made better financial sense for Leon and I to own tuxes instead of renting them for all the school functions and the annual ball.

It’s the first year I’ve used it. When I go as a member of the Grower’s Association, I hang around the back in a suit and slip out before it gets too late. Pulling up in front of Ms. Ray’s dark house, it looks like I’m not going anywhere.

I jog up to the door and knock loudly, peering through the glass. A lamp is on in the living room, but the place seems deserted.

“Mindy?” I shout.

I know Ms. Jenny’s at the ball helping with the concessions. Knocking again, I call her name once more, but it’s silent. Stepping back, I look up to her bedroom window. The light is off, and I can’t climb a tree in my tuxedo.

Pulling out my phone, I don’t see any missed texts or calls. I should’ve done this earlier, but I shoot her a quick text. Sorry I’m late. Are you at home?

The little notice under my text says delivered. Then it says read.

Then it goes silent.

I wait a few seconds, and Fuck.

She’s not answering me.

Going around to the back of the house, I jimmy the lock and slip in through the kitchen. It’s way too easy to break into this house. I need to come over next weekend and install a dead bolt and make them use it.

“Mindy? Sorry I’m late.” I dash from the kitchen into the sitting room. “Mindy?”

A clear bottle of what looks like some kind of liquor is on the coffee table. I pick it up, and see it’s tequila. I jog up to her bedroom, but the light’s off. The bed is empty.

Frowning, I head downstairs again. Where is she?

I’m back in my truck, heading to the civic center when my phone goes off. Waiting until I’m parked outside the building, I pick it up and read her reply. Don’t bother. Nobody’s home.