Page 70 of Here With Me

“Good question… let me think.” I grab the peach and coconut scented candles and carry them to the opposite corner. “I’m pretty sure Ms. Turner had him first. She was with him last Valentine’s day at the banquet. It was the first night his doctor approved his Viagra prescription.”

“I can’t believe they give those old men Viagra. Doesn’t it increase their risk of heart attack?”

“I don’t think so. And the way Jimmy Hebert acts, he’d probably choose boinking over a heart attack anyway.”

“What’s boinking?” Dove frowns up at me, and Noel cuts me a look.

“Oh, shoot, I’d better get going.” I scoop up my keys and the box for my mother. “I’ll tell you when you’re older.” I kiss the top of her little head and blow kisses in the direction of my bestie. “Love you. See you at the ball.”

“You’re going to the ball?” Shit… I freeze in the doorway, biting my bottom lip. “Is William coming for a visit? I haven’t seen him since Christmas.”

“No… He’s still in Dallas.”

“So who are you going to the ball with? Deacon?” She waits expectantly from where she’s kneeling by a box of bath salts.

Dammit, Sawyer! I guess I can’t entirely blame him. I did sort of put my foot in it. “It’s a surprise!” I exhale, not doing a very convincing job of acting excited.

“A surprise?” Noel frowns. “Since when do you do surprise dates?”

“Since right now. And I’ve got to get this box to Ma because I’ve got an appointment for a mani-pedi.”

It’s a total lie, but I figure I should get my hands and feet done if I’m going to the ball with Sawyer. Just because we’ve known each other all our lives doesn’t mean I won’t dress up for our official coming-out dance. He is the man of my dreams, after all.

I bought a dress last week after work. I drove to Belk all by myself and spent an hour finding just the right knee-length, light green chiffon strapless. I almost got peach, but I know Sawyer’s kind of peached out.

So I’m going all out, and my stomach is tied up in knots and flying away with butterflies. He might be wrestling with something he refuses to share with me, but we both agreed tomorrow is special.

I’ve got the perfect dress, I’m having my hair freshly blown out, and now I’m getting a mani-pedi… Just as soon as I drop Noel’s stock with my ma.

Saturday kicks off with a 5K and fun run followed by a day-long farmer’s market. I agreed to take a shift at Ma’s Honey Farms table during the lunch hours.

“Where have you been?” Ma gathers her shawl and the money bag, stuffing both into her oversized knapsack.

“I got caught up in the parade.” I drop my purse on the chair.

“A Peach in Time,” she mutters. “That’s the silliest theme for a parade I’ve ever heard. What does it even mean?”

“Be nice. It’s part of Andre’s ‘Love in the Groves’ theme.” I’m a bit protective, considering he based the whole thing on a watercolor I almost didn’t finish in time.

Maybe I’m the peach in time?

“I have to call Noel. I’m completely out of her lip scrub and mask, and I’m almost out of the hand lotion. I like your hair.”

“Thanks.” I slide a large wave off my cheek behind my ear.

Hallie blows it out then styles it with a curling iron so it hangs in large, silky waves—perfectly glamorous for the ball. I just have to do my makeup.

“I’ll be back after lunch.” She gives me a rough hug then holds my shoulder, pointing to her table of inventory. “I’m doing a special on the candles. Buy two, get a cinnamon honey stick for free.”

“I want a cinnamon honey stick.” I pull one of the dark brown straws from the glass jar.

“Those are not for you.” She snatches it out of my hand and puts it right back in place. “You can have whatever’s leftover tomorrow. Love you.”

She says it more like an order, but I know my ma loves me. Standing around with my arms crossed, I see Noel’s dwindling stock. I pick up one of Ma’s handwritten cards to read what she’s charging for everything.

Raw honey for fourteen dollars, fresh spun honey for ten. Royal honey soap for five dollars, beeswax candles for five, and… propolis?

“Interesting…” I mutter, tilting the small bottle to the side. “Anti-inflammatory, anti-infection, immune boosting, anti-cancer?” Sounds like voodoo to me.