Page 37 of Here With Me

“Secrets kill relationships, Min.”

“I’m not keeping secrets.”

“Have you told him what you want?”

“I’ve shown him.”

He’s quiet, studying me. “He’s been back how long, and you’re still not talking about your goals? You’re not a kid anymore.”

“You’re one to talk. You’re still visiting your racist old aunt every time you go home.”

“For my dad. You know he asked me to look after her.”

“Even if it hurts Angelica?

“Angel would tell me if it bothered her.”

I wouldn’t be so sure… I glance up to see his expression is dark, so I drop it.

“Sawyer’s a special case. We’ve known each other a long time, and it’s hard for him to see me as a grown woman.”

“But you’re sleeping with him.”

I don’t answer that.

He exhales impatiently. “What happened to the kickass Mindy Ray I know? The one who speaks her mind and gets what she wants?”

I shift in the swing, picking the label on my beer. “Is that who I am?”


My lips tighten, and I think about what he’s saying. I think about seeing Beth and Elizabeth, and how I let their condescension distract me from the person I’ve worked hard to become since high school. They’re not superior to me… Maybe they never were.

“You know,” I exhale a little laugh. “I think I lost sight of her for a minute.” I blink up, and his smile gives me the kick in the pants I need. “You’re right. No shelving my plans. I’ll tell him what I want to do… But I want to do it here. Can you help me?”

“Of course, I can.” Deacon is always so certain. “You can easily headquarter your business in Harristown. It would help if you went to Dallas and established a physical presence there. Meet with clients, put a face to your name, and they’ll be willing to work with you anywhere.”

“How do I do that?”

“Do you have any friends who’d help you? Some place you can send mail for a little while?”

I think about this. “William!” My old design classmate from college, who I said I’d move to Dallas with at Christmas… until I backed out.

Noel was my excuse last Christmas, and my mom.

And who am I kidding? I didn’t want to leave Sawyer.

“Give him a call. We’ll reconvene next week and work out the details.” Deacon starts down the porch steps. “Don’t let anybody make you lose sight of your goals.”

“You’re a really great guy, you know that?”

He waves before climbing into his truck. “Just telling you what they tell us boys.”

Speaking of boys, I jump up and dash inside. Sawyer is going to be here in a few hours, and I’ve got to get ready. I’ve got to prep dinner. I want to look cool, sexy, and sophisticated… Like I didn’t even break a sweat preparing for his visit.

Which means I’ll be running until the doorbell rings.

After a quick shower, I pull on my dark green sweater with the low V-neck that shows off a little cleavage. My hair is curlier than usual because I haven’t had time to see Halle. It’ll have to do.