Page 29 of Here With Me

That satisfies her. She gives me a hug and then hops off my lap, to go watch her cartoons. Akela follows her, and I watch her drag her stuffed brown mouse, confident in me. I think about the choice my daddy made so long ago. Having Dove makes it even harder to find peace with what he did.

Maybe I never will.

Noel stands and goes to the coffee pot, refreshing her cup and pouring me one. “You should encourage Leon more. He wants to take a leadership role around here.”

“That’s what everybody keeps telling me.” I return my thoughts to now. “He hasn’t said a word to me about it.”

“Well…” She sits down, putting a mug in front of me. “You can be a real grump sometimes.”

I chuckle as I take a sip. “It’s never stopped you.”

“That’s because I know your bark is worse than your bite.”

“Humph.” I stand, walking over to the window above the sink and looking out at the sun rising higher over trees loaded with peaches.

It’s already so damn hot, and it’s not even eight.

I wonder if Mindy will be in the rows today working on her poster. She’s so pretty when she’s drawing or painting. Her brow furrows, and her full lips press together. Her green eyes seem to glow…

“Speaking of…” Noel puts her mug in the sink beside me. “Why were you so pissed last night?”

“I wasn’t pissed.”

“Oh, really?” She slants her eyes as she pulls out the carton of eggs.

“I was hungry… I was tired from working all day.” I’ll be damned if I’m going to say I wanted to punch Deacon in the nose.

“Well, you do seem to be in a better mood this morning.”

“What was that five-year plan all about?”

She starts cracking eggs into a glass bowl. “Just, you know… business stuff. Saving for Dove’s college, retirement…”

“I need to make sure you’re in line to take over this place. If anything were to happen to me—”

“Which it never will.” She returns the carton to the refrigerator and takes out cheese, cream. “Deacon’s really good with that stuff if you want him to look over anything for you.”

That’s about the last thing I’m in the mood to do. “I can take care of it.” Putting my mug in the sink, I start for the door. “Tell Taron I’m checking the new trees in the back forty.”

“And Leon!”

I don’t stop, and she yells something about me being stubborn as a horse’s rear end. I’ve got more important things on my mind at the moment.



The small, brown brush touches the thick, cream paper, and a bubble of russet paint spreads into the space I’ve allowed for her hair. I’ve sketched out a woman propped on her elbow over a man lying on his back in a bed of what will eventually be deep green.

A lock of hair falls over her shoulder as she gazes down with so much love in her eyes. His dark hair is messy, and his hand is on her neck, holding her, finally admitting with his body what he still hasn’t said with his lips…

The brown tries to escape, and I exhale a little swear, touching the page gently with a paper towel. Watercolor is an unforgiving medium, and I have to stay focused, not let my mind drift to Sawyer.

The way he showed up at my window last night was so hot. His eyes were desperate and angry, and his jaw tightened… I grin, lifting my chin and smiling at the sunshine. He’s so damn sexy when he wants me.

Chewing my lip, my cheeks heat as I remember Sawyer’s hands on my ass, gripping me, his rough lips bruising mine as he kissed me. I shift in my seat, and I feel the memory of him inside me. It sends energy racing through my stomach.

My heart belongs to this man so completely. How can he not know my body does, too? How can he stay away? Every time we’re together, it’s like slipping into our own private paradise. I never want to leave. I see my future…