Page 22 of Here With Me

The door opens as if on cue, and Noel pushes inside, balancing a glass casserole dish in one hand and a loaf of bread in the other.

“Hey, you look pretty!” She smiles and sets the dish down before giving me a hug. “We’re a little early, I hope that’s okay?”

“What are you…” My jaw drops along with my stomach. “Who all is coming?”

“I told you not to bring any food.” Ma gives her a hug, always fussing.

“It’s just a little dessert. I found this tiramisu recipe online, and I figure you’ll tell me if it’s garbage.”

“Hmm… You made it, so we’ll eat it.”

“Nice.” Noel gives me a look, but I’m too distracted by the men filing in behind her.

“Smells delicious in here.” Taron steps forward to kiss my mom’s cheek. “Did you make all this?”

“What do you think?” I deadpan as he makes his way to me.

Sawyer is the last to enter, and he barely makes eye contact. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself.” Only want the people who want you. I recite my Oprah mantra.

“Where is my little angel?” Ma cries, breaking my mantra-moment.

“Dove wanted to stay home with Leon and practice her singing.” Noel rolls her eyes.

“Well, where is Leon?” Ma is relentless.

“He’s going to bed early, if you can believe it.” My bestie puts the bread on the counter and cuts it into slices. “He wants to get up and meet with the men in the morning.”

I can’t resist tossing a told you so look at Sawyer. He dismisses it, and Ma shouts at me, “Mindy! Your water’s boiling.”

I hop over to the cabinet to grab a handful of linguine while she tosses a pinch of salt into the bubbling pot. Deacon arrives as I’m breaking noodles and lowering them carefully into the water.

“I didn’t know it was a party.” A smile is in his voice, and I glance up to see him kiss my mother’s cheek.

“Such a gentleman.” She dips her chin, and I’m pretty sure she blushes. What the heck?

Noel dances over to give him a big hug. “I read over your plan last night, and it’s perfect! I’m so excited.”

“Writing everything down helps.” His voice is warm.

“It really feels real now. Like it’s going to happen.” Noel’s eyes are so bright as she blinks up at him, and I have to wonder what the heck is up with my friend Deacon all of a sudden.

“Let a fella breathe,” I call from the stove. “He hasn’t even made it in the door yet.”

“Look at you.” He walks over to kiss my cheek before glancing at my bare feet. “I didn’t know this was going to be formal.”

“Don’t be an asshole.” I bump him with my hip.

“Melinda Claire!” Ma shouts, and Deacon snickers.

“Sorry, Ma.” My pasta has come to a boil, so I cut the heat before it boils over and push past him to the sink. “Make yourself useful and pour us a glass of wine.”

He lifts a dark green bottle of Sangiovese. “This okay?”

“That’s perfect.” As I’m returning to the stove, I catch Sawyer at the table glowering at us.

He can get over himself. If he has a problem with Deacon giving me attention, he can step up and do something about it.