Page 100 of Here With Me

“I’d like to take you out, Mindy.” His voice is warm, and his hand covers my wrist. “I’d like us to try again. For real.”


The word pops out of my mouth so fast, I didn’t even have a chance to think about it.

His smile fades a bit. “No?”

“It’s not a good time for me.” I take a deep breath doing my best to catch up with my brain. “I mean, I think I need to get on my feet here first.”

I hate saying these words. My heart longs for him. It reaches for him like an invisible cord stretching through my aching chest, pulling my lungs along with it.

But my brain says no.

A really fast no, in fact.

“Whatever you need.” He exhales slowly, and I see how much he’s changed.

Lifting my chin, I meet his eyes. His face is so relaxed, his expression so calm. I want to know what has happened to him.

“I don’t have all the answers, Min, but I know this is not how our story ends.” With a squeeze to my wrist, he goes to the door and leaves.

I collapse onto the couch with my face in my hands. I need to see Mrs. Irene.



Seeing Mindy again is like standing on the top of a mountain and looking out over the ocean. My chest fills with emotions, desire, longing. My eyes drink her in, long dark hair, cute curves in sweats and a long-sleeved gray tee. I want to run my fingers through her hair. I want to lift her off her feet and cover her lips with mine. I want to sit with her and hear everything that has happened to her while we’ve been apart. I want to hear what she’s done, how she’s gotten her business as successful as she has.

I want to show her how much I’ve changed.

When Noel said she’d texted that she was at her apartment, I dropped everything to go and find her. I wanted to tell her I’m not stuck in my own head anymore. I’m better now, a better man.

I guess it didn’t occur to me she’d say no.

I’m such a fool. Of course she said no. The last time we were together, she told me she loved me. I told her I didn’t want to hear it. Hell, I told her to go to Dallas.

Now, my mind is at work, figuring out how I can fix this. She’s so valuable to me. She always has been, and doing the work to get well has helped me understand. She gives me peace. My life doesn’t make sense without her in it. She keeps me focused. Taron says she was my reason to fight, and now that I’ve won the fight, I want to share my life with her.

I’ve got to figure out how to win her back.

Time and work.

And I’d throw in hope.

Hope is at the forefront of my mind today, stopping at the Burgers-n-Suds for lunch before heading to Mindy’s new office. I’m sure she’s hungry, and I know she’s still unpacking. Noel told me she was planning to drive over and help her this evening.

Her office is in a strip mall on the service road next to the Interstate, which I don’t particularly like. Harristown isn’t a dangerous place, but any kind of riff-raff can cruise in off the Interstate—and cruise right out again.

My protective instinct surges to life, but it has to take a back seat. Mindy’s excited about this, and I need to be encouraging.

Music greets me as I step through the door. It’s a song I recognize about strong women or something. Single ladies. Stepping around the corner, I freeze in my tracks.

Mindy’s adorable in a red plaid shirt tied at her waist, and light jeans that stop in the middle of her calves. Her hair is up in a ponytail, and she’s holding a book in each hand over her head, shaking her ass as she sings along.

“Put your hands up!” She spins around and opens her eyes then screams and throws one of the books at me.

“Hey!” I jump out of the way just in time. “I come in peace!”