Her mom smiled and reached up to touch her cheek. “What, that I’m human like everyone else? That your mom isn’t perfect?”

“Well, yeah, I guess,” Ashley said lamely. “It’s a totally shocking discovery. You may not survive the fall from the mom pedestal.”

Her mom laughed and tweaked Ashley’s nose. “Such a smart alec like your father. I always thought you were so much like him.”

“What? I’m nothing like Daddy. He’d probably be horrified to hear you say that. He despairs of me because I have no head for or interest in business.”

Her mom smiled indulgently. “But you have a huge heart like your father does and when you love, you love with everything you have. Just like William. He was devastated when I asked him to leave. And even though I knew I absolutely had to do what I did, it was the most difficult decision I’ve ever made. Our marriage is better for it. When we got back together, I was a stronger, more confident woman. I didn’t need him to make me complete. I wanted him. But I didn’t need him and therein was the difference.”

Ashley set aside her cup and then impulsively threw her arms around her mom in a hug. “I love you, Mama. Thank you for talking to me. It was just what I needed today.”

Her mother stroked her hand over Ashley’s hair and hugged her back. “You’re welcome, darling, and I love you, too. You know I’m always right here if you need me.”

Devon sat across from William Copeland as William completed his order with the waitress. The two had met at William’s favorite place to eat lunch, but Devon wasn’t in the least bit hungry.

“You not eating, son?” William asked as the waitress looked expectantly in Devon’s direction.

“I’ll just have a glass of water,” Devon said.

After the waitress left, William leaned back and for a moment looked visibly discomfited.

“I wanted to talk to you about some changes in the organization.”

Alarm bells clanged in Devon’s already aching head. Two nights without decent sleep and the image of Ashley’s tearstained face were wearing on him. The very last thing he needed was the old man to renege on their agreement. Wouldn’t that be the height of irony?

He must have seen the wariness on Devon’s face because he quickly went on.

“It’s not what you think. I want you to take over my position at Copeland. I know the merger with Tricorp wasn’t supposed to be splashy, that we agreed to keep the Copeland name and that Tricorp would be more of a silent party, but I’m ready to resign and I want you to take my position.”

Devon shook his head in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

William sighed wearily. “I’m sick, son. I’ve been having health issues. I’ve been trying to see to matters because I want my family provided for. I want Eric to have a position but he isn’t ready to take over. And the thing is, I’m not sure he wants his future locked into the family business. Lately he’s hinted that his interests lie in other areas. And Ashley… It’s why I pushed so hard for the marriage to take place. I wanted her settled with a man I trusted and whom I knew would take good care of her. If it got out that my health was failing, the vultures would have descended and she would have been easy pickings.”

“Sick?” Devon managed to get out. “How sick?”

“I don’t know yet. I won’t lie. I’ve been in denial. I haven’t even discussed this with Gloria and she’s going to hit the ceiling when she finds out. I’m not ready to die yet, though. I want a lot of years with my children and eventual grandchildren. I spent decades working my ass off to get where I am and now I want to retire and enjoy time with my wife and watch my grandchildren play. But in order to do all that, I have to make sure my company is in good hands. I don’t want Copeland to die, which is why I wanted this merger so badly. It wasn’t Tricorp I was after. To be honest I could have picked a dozen other companies who would bring as much to the table. But I went with Tricorp because of you. You’re who I want for my daughter and my company.”

“Jesus, I don’t even know what to say,” Devon muttered. “This is quite the bomb to drop the day after I return from an aborted honeymoon.”

“I know you thought I was a crazy old man

for making Ashley part of this deal. And that I’m a manipulative bastard. You’d be right on that count. I knew you wanted this partnership. I knew you wanted the Copeland name for the line of resorts you’ve envisioned. I also knew what I wanted. It just so happened that our wants aligned perfectly. And my children are provided for.”

“Everyone but Ashley,” Devon said quietly.

William looked up sharply. “What do you mean?”

“She wanted a husband who adores her, who loves her, who is the embodiment of all she’s dreamed of.”

“So? Any reason you can’t be that man?”

It was a good question and one he wasn’t sure how to answer. He rubbed his hand through his hair. “How soon are you wanting all of this done?”

“I want to tender my resignation as soon as everything is done. It won’t be a secret that I’ll want you to take over. Voting won’t be an issue. You’ll be the most logical person to take over when I retire. I hold a lot of sway over the board. They’ll listen to me. I’m going to make a doctor’s appointment and then tell my wife so she can rearrange my teeth for me and then drag me to the doctor. After that, she’ll take over and I won’t be able to scratch my ass without her permission.”

The words were said with wry wit, but it was obvious from the warmth in William’s eyes that he adored his wife beyond reason and absolutely didn’t mind giving up control to her in his retirement.

The older man seemed totally at peace with his actions and decisions and Devon wondered how much he could really fault his father-in-law for taking steps to ensure that his family was provided for. Even if he didn’t agree with the methods. Would he have done the same for his son or daughter?

He liked to think that he’d offer them something better than the occasional reminder not to “screw up.”

The image of Ashley, round and lush with his child, conjured a powerful surge of emotion. He realized in an instant that he’d do whatever it took to protect a son or daughter.

“Take care of yourself,” Devon said gruffly, suddenly unsteady at the idea of something happening to a man who’d seemed so determined to be a second father to him. “I’ll expect you to spoil our children.”

William’s expression eased into a broad smile. “Planning to provide me with them soon?”

Devon shrugged. “Maybe. That’ll be up to Ash. I just want her to be happy.”

William nodded. “So do I, son. So do I.”

They were interrupted by the waitress bringing William’s entrée to the table. For a moment, William fussed over his food and then he looked up at Devon again. “I’d like you to plan a cocktail party. It’ll give Ashley a chance to play hostess. I’m thinking a couple weeks out at most. I want to go ahead and announce that I’m planning to retire and that you’re my choice to succeed me. I want this all to seem like a natural progression of the merger. A changing of the guard with my blessing.”

“We can do that,” Devon said. Or at least he hoped. Maybe by that time Ashley wouldn’t be quite so upset. Right now, asking her to appear happy for an entire night in front of dozens of guests seemed unreasonable at best.

“Good. We’ll talk more later and I’ll give you a guest list and of course you’ll have your own colleagues to invite. I just want to say again how happy I am to have you as my son-in-law. I knew from the moment I met you that you’d not only be the best thing for my company, but for my daughter as well.”


When Devon walked into his apartment, he immediately noticed the change. There wasn’t any clutter. No magazines strewn about. No shoes littering the floor. No purse hanging from a doorknob. And he could smell cleaning solution.

As he walked farther inside, his stomach knotted because not only was everything picked up, but he also realized that the apartment was completely and utterly devoid of Ashley’s presence. All of the things she’d moved in and haphazardly decorated with had been put away. No silly knickknacks on the coffee or end tables.

The apartment looked precisely as it had before she moved in.

Has she packed up and left? Had she decided not to give their marriage a chance?

He experienced a faint sensation of illness. His stomach tightened with dread and the beginnings of panic gripped his throat.

Then he heard a distant sound that seemed to come from the kitchen. He strode in that direction and realized that a television had been left on. But when he reached the doorway, he had to grip the frame to steady himself.

Relief blew through him with staggering ferocity.

She was still here.

She hadn’t left.

She was sitting at the bar, her brow furrowed in concentration as she watched a cooking show. She had a notepad and pencil in front of her and she was furiously taking notes.

As his gaze took in the rest of the kitchen, he realized that she’d evidently spent the day cleaning. The surfaces sparkled. The floor shone. The scent of lemon was heavy in the air.

She was dressed in faded jeans and an old T-shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wasn’t wearing any makeup.

She looked absolutely beautiful.