“You stupid bitch, I bankrolled this entire venture.” Wade’s lip curls. “I own you.”

Reggie walks through the suite again, looking around. “Every goddamn room has a window.”

“Put her in the bathroom,” Wade says. “I’ll walk down to the corner and purchase rope, duct tape, and a bicycle chain to tie her hands and lock her in.”

Reggie nods. “Get going. I’ll guard her


The other man starts for the door, but then walks back to me. “Just in case you’re thinking of trying to double-cross me.”

With a loud SMACK! he whips his meaty palm across my face. Light explodes behind my eyes, and it takes me a moment to realize I’m on the floor, on my hands and knees. Pain radiates through my cheek, and my mouth is full of the thick, coppery taste of blood.

“You’re determined to leave evidence behind,” Reggie says, pushing a cloth handkerchief to me.

Wade bends down and grabs a handful of my hair right at the top of my head. He jerks my neck back, forcing me to look at him. I struggle not to cry out, but the pain makes it difficult.

“I’m not impressed by you, Zelda Wilder. I don’t value your life over our plans for Monagasco. Do you understand?” He’s so close, little drops of spit hit my face. “If it weren’t for Reggie, you’d already be dead.”

Blinking fast, I struggle to hold it together as I glare back at his hateful eyes.

“One sneaky trick. One attempt to escape, and I won’t hesitate.” He shoves my head away, and I sprawl onto the floor again.

His shoes squeak on the marble as he goes to the door. It closes with a slam, and he’s gone, leaving only Reggie and me.

“Why are you here, Zelda? I told you to wait until I came for you.”

“Let me go, Reggie.” My heart aches and my swollen lip distorts my words. “It’s not too late to change this.”

“What’s happening now goes way beyond what we discussed in Miami.”

“How can you do this?” My voice cracks. “They’re your nephews. Your family!” All I can think of is protecting Ava, saving Cal, saving Rowan.

His expression becomes closed. “In matters of state, family is sometimes a casualty.”

“So you did help kill the king! Rowan was right!”

Clearing his throat, he walks to the wet bar, and I watch as he takes a handful of ice and puts it in a cloth napkin. “Philip was overweight. He had a short temper and high blood pressure. I can’t be held responsible for his heart attack.”

He hands me the makeshift ice pack, and I hold it to my throbbing cheek. “You stood by and let it happen. It’s the same as helping.”

He walks to the large glass doors overlooking the Mediterranean. “I like you Zelda. I’ll do what I can to protect you, but if you cross Wade Paxton, I can’t stop the consequences. He is not someone you want to play games with.”

The door opens, and Wade returns. The only thing in his hand is a rope. “Sold out of duct tape,” he growls as he passes, grabbing my forearm so hard, I stumble.

He drags me to the bathroom and shoves me inside. His hand goes to his pocket, and I watch as he pulls out a long knife. My throat closes.

“You see this?” His blue eyes slice into mine, and fear clenches my chest.

I don’t answer and he charges me, pushing me all the way until my back slams against the wall. My head aches from hitting the plaster, and I struggle to fight back my tears. I can’t appear weak. I have to be strong.

His face is right in mine, and I try to turn to avoid his sour onion breath. “Make any noise, scream…” His hand clamps around my wrist so hard, I’m afraid the bones will break.

Jerking my arm, he slams my palm flat on the granite countertop. I can’t help a scream. My insides are shaking, and I struggle to get away.

“I’ll start with the smallest one.” The knife presses hard against the knuckle of my pinkie finger, breaking the skin as searing pain shoots through my hand.

“NO!” I shout, twisting and dropping to my knees. “DON’T!”