Zelda’s eyes fix on it, and her expression changes. “Did you give him that?”

Ava takes my hand, tucking the piece in my sleeve again. “Yes.”

“In what way? As a trade? A farewell?”

My stomach twists, and I don’t understand the meaning of these questions. I don’t like what that meaning could be.

“It’s for luck. It’s for him,” she says, looking up at me. “It’s for all you’ve given me. I don’t need anything in return.”

Placing my hands on the sides of her face, I trace my thumbs along her cheekbones. She has no idea how much I want to give her. “I treasure it.”

Zelda looks from me to her and back again before stepping away from us. “Have a good night. We can talk more tomorrow.”

My eyes are consumed with the sight of the girl in front of me. I only just hear what Zelda is saying, and I pause.

“Zelda!” I call after her. She stops, and I tell her plainly, “You will stay through the race. You won’t leave until after it’s done.”

Her mouth opens as if she’ll argue with me, but she seems to change her mind. “I’ll do what I can,” she says, but that’s not good enough.

“No.” My voice is sterner. “You will not leave until after the race on Sunday. If you have a problem, come and talk to me.”

Her brow lines, and for a moment I hold Ava, watching her friend with an expression that won’t take no for an answer.

At last she sighs. “I’ll talk to you if something happens.”


She’s not smiling, but she returns to where Cal is waiting, holding a champagne flute and watching. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I’m not letting them go so easily.



Cal hands me my champagne, and like the tiny bubbles rising in a straight line to the surface, Rowan’s command is at the top of my mind.

On the one hand, it’s reassuring that the future king is so adamant about us staying in the country. On the other, I can’t promise him I won’t leave. I’m more inclined to say Ava will stay—if he’ll have her once the truth is out.

Cal’s sexy tone pulls me out of my distraction. “Have I mentioned how beautiful you are tonight?”

Glancing up, I study his eyes. They change color, depending on what he wears, sometimes being all green, others more brown. Tonight they’re warm, and that flippy fish I was sure had swum away for good when Seth appeared is back. He stirs these feelings I can’t stop, even though I know they’ll devastate me in the end.

“What do you see when you look at me?” I ask, thinking of what Seth said as we danced, who I really am.

“Well…” His large hand covers my lower back, pulling me close. “The first time I saw you, I noticed your top lip is a little fuller than your bottom.”

“Oh!” Embarrassment heats my face. “It makes me look buck-toothed, doesn’t it?” I pull the offending lip under my bottom teeth.

“No.” He reaches up to touch my mouth, releasing it from my bite. “It makes you look like someone I want to do very naughty things with.” His low voice is sultry at my ear, flooding my panties with heat.


“Hang on, I’m not done.” Taking my hand, he starts to walk, leading me down the stairs to the lower deck. “I like how the line in your chin is slightly off-center.”

“It is?” Oh my god! I cover my chin.

That makes him laugh, and he takes my hand away. “I said I like it.” He stops a moment and kisses my hand. “But most of all, I like when you speak.”

Good grief, now he’s going to say my voice is weird. I’m almost afraid to use it. “What happens when I speak?”