My friend nods. “This clean energy proposal is very new. You think it is more stable?”

“It might be. It has a large number of strong backers.” A glance around the room, and I nod to a few members of the old guard watching us. “It only needs to be presented in the right way. The research is sound, and I’m confident introducing a revenue stream more stable than oil and tourism is the best course for our future.”

“I am acquainted with your attention to detail. I’m sure this proposal has merit.” Fayed tilts his glass side to side. “Still, I hate to lose an ally.”

I’m quick to stop that presumption. “Nothing will be lost. We’re not divesting; we’re simply reinvesting in something new.”

“Ah,” he nods. “We can discuss this further at another time. I noticed technology isn’t the only new thing occupying your thoughts.”

My eyes follow his to where Ava stands talking to Paridhi. She’s so natural with the princess, admiring her dress and hair. “After the race I intend to announce the deal, and depending on how it goes, my choice of a bride.”

Fayed’s dark brow rises. “She’s very beautiful. Who is she?”

“A friend of my uncle’s.” I think about the answer. “She’s American, but she has a way about her…” I can’t think of how to finish without sounding like a lovesick fool.

Fayed chuckles and pats my shoulder. “It’s a love match. The best kind.” The women are slowly walking back to where we stand. “Good luck to you. I’m going to win on Sunday, but I’ll share the magnum.”

That makes me laugh. “Don’t claim that magnum prematurely. I’ll see you at qualifications tomorrow.”

Paridhi takes her husband’s arm, and Ava holds mine. We watch as they stroll away, disappearing into the crowd. I glance down at my beautiful date, thinking how she changes the tone of the entire evening.

In the past, these events and functions have always felt like a chore for me. Tonight, I want everyone to see the gorgeous woman on my arm. I want them to become accustomed to seeing her with me.

“You love this,” she says, looking up at me and smiling. “You’re the most relaxed and happy I’ve seen you in public.”

Putting both my hands on her waist, I pull her to me. “Are you saying I’ve only been relaxed and happy with you in private?”

“Up to tonight? Yes,” she teases, and I lean down to kiss her. Our lips only briefly touch before she pulls back. “I have your gift.”

Opening her tan clutch, she pulls out a gold herringbone bracelet. It’s wide and clearly designed for a man. I watch as she fastens it around my wrist, feeling slightly uneasy. I’ve never worn jewelry, and I don’t want to hurt her feelings.

“I know it’s old-school,” she says, running her finger along the shiny surface before pushing it under my cuff and into my sleeve. “You don’t have to wear it, but I want you to have it. It’s eighteen karat gold.”

She looks up, and the shyness in her eyes makes me want to hold her in my arms. “I’m not accustomed to jewelry,” I say as gently as possible.

“I know. It’s not fashionable anymore.” Her chin drops.

“I’m not used to something around my wrist. I might damage it.” Catching her chin, I lift her eyes to mine. “Still, I’ll keep it on me during the race.”

Her brow relaxes, and she smiles. “For luck.”

Touching her cheek, I can’t help a sense of wonder at this person. “You’re my luck. I’ll wear it for you.”

Cal’s voice cuts through our moment. “Had enough of all this nonsense? I know you hate it.”

I look up at my brother, joining us with Zelda on his arm. “It’s not so bad. I’m actually enjoying myself.”

“I don’t believe it.” He slants an eye at me, and I shrug.

“Rowan,” Zelda says, touching her friend’s hand. “Do you mind if I steal her for just a bit?”

Stepping back, I nod. “Of course not.”

Cal and I watch as they walk slowly to the other side of the deck, stopping by the rail. For a moment, I observe how alike they move. I suppose it’s because they’re so close. Ava is several inches taller than Zee.

“It’s her, isn’t it?” A smile is in my brother’s tone. “Ava is the reason you’re enjoying yourself here.”

“She’s part of the reason.” A very big part, I don’t add. “I just spoke with Fayed. He’s aware we got the green light on the deal with the Americans.”