My shoulders are tight. I don’t want Seth knowing anything about our arrangement or why we’re here. “I… We… We met the grand duke.”

“A Grand Duke!” Seth exclaims. “Now that is a fancy moniker. Did you meet him in Texas?”

I’m fumbling, searching for anything to deflect these questions. Thankfully, Cal takes my hand. “I’m pretty sure you promised me a dance, Zelda.”

Glancing up, he gives me a reassuring smile, and I want to kiss him. “Yes, you’re right, I did.”

“If you’ll excuse us.” He does a little nod to Seth and the Ice Queen.

After securing our glasses on a low table, he leads me away from the grand inquisition to an area at the back of the enormous deck. An acoustic band is playing softly, some kind of yacht rock, and Cal pulls me against his chest. My forehead touches his jawline, and he speaks in my ear.

“Lara is an elitist prig. I’m sorry if she embarrassed you.” His arms are warm and strong around me. I hold him, fumbling my way back to calm.

“She really hates Ava,” I think out loud, scanning the area for my sister. I haven’t seen her since we boarded, and I know she’s going to panic if she sees Seth. “We should probably find them.”

“Don’t worry. Ro can take care of her.” He kisses the side of my ear. “I’ll take care of you.”

A shimmer of longing moves low in my pelvis. It’s followed quickly by sadness. I would stay with Cal forever if I could. The song ends, and our eyes meet. He reaches up to touch my chin.

“Why so sad, beautiful?” I love his smile, that light in his brownish-green eyes.

“It’s nothing.” I force myself to smile. “I don’t want to spoil our night.”

“Thinking about home?”

Reaching up, I run my finger down the lapel of his elegant tuxedo coat. “I’m thinking about a lot of things.”

The band starts on another song, and I want to scream when fucking Seth appears at my side. “Mind if I cut in?”

Neither of us has a chance to respond before Seth grabs my waist and turns me away onto the floor. His face is at my ear now, and panic is in my heart.

“I confess, Zelda Wilder, you make me proud out here among all these aristocrats. Who would believe you’re the same little bruised-kneed hick I found in Tampa?”

“What do you want, Seth.” My jaw is tight. An edge is in my voice. I don’t like being cornered, and this asshole will not intimidate me.

He leans back to meet my eyes, street-smart hardness flashing in his. “I want to know what you’re doing here. I know you weren’t hired for your looks.”

My lips tighten, but I’m aware we’re being watched. I move closer to his ear. “It’s over. We botched the deal. I’m leaving.”

“I’ve worked with you a long time, Zee. You think I’m buying you threw a job?”

“It’s true! I was supposed to be with the crown prince. It didn’t work out, and now he’s with Ava.”

“Of course, he’s with Ava. She’s a fucking supermodel.” We turn, and I blink around the room, holding my hand at the top of his shoulder so it blocks my lips.

“Right. She’s a liability. You’ve always said that.” I’ve got to keep him away from her.

“What were you supposed to do with that guy? Tell me the plan, and maybe we can salvage it.”

No. I don’t want Seth knowing anything. “I’ve got it under control. Ava’s going to stay here. I’ll be back in Miami in a week. You’re not losing out. You never wanted her on our team anyway.”

“You let me be the judge of that. Is it a full loss? What’s your take?”

“Only ten thousand.”

I feel his body tense. “Only ten thousand?” His hard laugh is in my ear. “Only? You have a fucking distorted sense of the world if you can say only ten thousand.”

“It was supposed to be a lot more, but now it’s over.”