It’s a short walk to the boat, and Cal has his share of screaming fans. He waves, and I wish I could be like my sister—so completely enraptured with my date that I don’t even notice all the death glares shooting at me from the crowd. Too bad, I see all the bitches that want to take my place. I can’t think about them. I have enough complications on my plate.

Once onboard the super yacht, it’s like my first night at the charity ball, only this time, I’m far more comfortable in my dress and heels, and the entire plan has fallen apart. I have nothing and everything to lose.

“MacCallam! Introduce me to your lovely date.” The same woman who cornered me with Reggie that first night approaches us, and while I remember her, I’m pretty sure she has no recollection of me.

“Mother,” he says, leaning forward to kiss her cheek.

Her majesty gives me a more focused examination tonight, and I can feel her sizing me up.

“Miss Zelda Benedict of Texas,” Cal says.

Inside I cringe hearing him repeat our lies, still I hold my poker face intact. “Your majesty,” I say, doing a slow curtsey.

“Benedict? We’ve met before,” she says, clearly not connecting me with Reggie.

“Yes, ma’am. At the charity ball.”

She waves a hand dismissively. “A legion of young ladies attended that ball.”

“And out of them all, I found Zee,” Cal says, taking her hand and stepping forward to kiss her cheek again. “We’re just making the rounds.”

I can tell he’s trying to disengage, but his mother isn’t finished. “Who is this young woman who has Rowan so infatuated?”

“She’s a friend of Zelda’s,” he says, nodding to me, which gets me a more pointed inspection from the queen.

“From Texas?” Her eyes are on me, but I’m not sure she’s actually addressing me.

“Florida, mother,” Cal says, releasing her hand and stepping back. “Lovely girl. We’ve spent the last several days together.”

The old crone’s about to launch into some complaint, I can see it in her eyes, and my hackles start to rise. I might not be Ava’s mother, but I’ve been the closest thing for the last ten years. Lucky for both of us, Cal makes some excuse and leads us away, further into the crowd toward the deck of the enormous yacht.

We’re walking slowly under white canopies and Cal speaks briefly to couples sitting on round, wicker love seats and long, flat deck chairs.

Once we’re somewhat alone, he assesses my cooling temper. “Mother has very definite ideas about what the future queen should be like.”

I have to remind myself she’s his mother, but it’s difficult. “I’m sure she does,” is all I’ll say.

I’d like to see that old bat find anyone sweeter than my little sister, even if Ava might steal your watch.

“We all should have friends as loyal as you,” he chuckles and leans in to kiss my cheek. “I’ll get us a glass of wine. Don’t move.”

I give him a little smile and walk over to the rail of the yacht, looking out at the breathtaking view. It’s a clear night, a light breeze is blowing, and the air is a little salty. Turquoise water stretches away, turning slowly deeper blue, and it’s so beautiful, I dream of what it would be like if we could just run awa


“It won’t work,” I whisper to myself. I’ll have to be honest with him at some point.

“What won’t work, Zelda Wilder?” I jump at the exaggerated country twang, and just as fast, fear shoots through my stomach.

I turn slowly to face… “Seth.” A tremor is in my voice. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, you could’ve knocked me over with a cotton ball when I saw your sister Ava’s picture on the arm of the Crown Prince of Monagasco!” He’s doing the casino act, and I am freaking out. “I hopped the first flight over to come check on my girls.”

“Stop it,” I hiss, grabbing his arm and my composure as fast as possible. “You can’t act like that here.”

Seth’s eyes narrow, and his smooth Kansas is back. “How should I act, my old partner in crime? What kind of a con are you running, Zelda Wilder?”

I frantically scan the crowd looking for Cal. He’ll be back any moment. “It’s Benedict, and Ava is not my sister. I’ll explain it all to you later. You’ve got to go.”