Turning her body, I pull her back to my chest and wrap my arms around her waist. My chin is on her shoulder, and I look out at the horizon. I think about the future and what I want.

“After the race,” I say.

Her fingers thread with mine, and I know what I want. I know for the first time, and I feel complete.



It’s after ten when Ava and I return to our suite at the Fontaine. It’s been several days since we slept in our own beds alone, but I’m thankful for the break and the chance to strategize. She’s worried.

“What happened today, Zee? What is Reggie going to do?”

I go quickly to the television and turn it on, but it’s no help. The local news is in French. I recognize locations. Many streets will begin closing tomorrow to prepare for the race. The gala is tomorrow night, and locals will be out to watch the racers and the nobility and to cheer for their favorites.

Walking quickly to the door, I pick up the newspaper still rolled from this morning. Again, I can’t read it.

“If only I’d learned French,” I say through an exasperated exhale.

“What are you thinking?” Ava’s right with me, following me through the room.

I walk back to the sofa and drop into the cushions, thinking.

“Oh! I wish you’d tell me something!” Ava’s shouting now, and I look up at her. Her dark hair is in beachy waves, and she’s still in that white dress from earlier at the track.

“What did you say?” I confess, I’ve been too distracted to listen.

“What happened today? What did Reggie say? What are you planning to do?!”

Holding out my hand, I reach for her to sit beside me on the sofa. “It’s not good.” I feel her tense, and I know this is hard for her to hear.

“Reggie was at the track today. He knows you and Rowan are seeing each other. He probably knew before—hell, it’s probably why he even showed up today. To bust us.”

“What’s he going to do?” Her voice wavers, and I know she’s feeling that same sickening fear I felt earlier at the thought of Cal finding out what I’d done. Only her fears are for Rowan.

“He wants us to keep him posted about the prince. He wants to know what he’s doing, where he’s going, then he’ll allow us to stay here.”

“But I never know what he’s doing or where he’s going. He doesn’t tell me those things!” I can see the panic in her eyes, and I want to soothe her.

At the same time, I know how swift Rowan’s judgment can be. She’s right to be afraid.

“It’s going to be okay, Ava-bug. Do you trust me?” I expect her to say yes like she always does, like we’ve always been in the past.

Instead she says one word, “How?”

Pushing off the couch, I start to pace. “I don’t know.”

“Oh, Jesus!” She leans forward pushing her face in her hands. “He’s going to hate me. He’ll never look at me again! And after everything we’ve said… Everything we’ve done!”

That does it. I rush to kneel in front of her, pulling her hands into mine. “Look at me! I’m not going to let that happen. I’ve seen Rowan with you. He’s in love with you. He’ll give you the kind of life you deserve.”

Her eyes go round. “He’s not in love with me. We’ve never said—”

“Feelings like that don’t have to be said. They’re apparent for everyone with eyes to see them. He cares about you, and I won’t let my mistake spoil that for you. If anyone deserves a fairytale ending, it’s you.”

“But what about you? What about Cal?” She’s blinking fast. “I’ve never seen you so happy. Not ever! It’s the first time you haven’t always been planning and calculating and looking for the next job. It’s the first time you’ve smiled!”

Standing, I force myself to calm. This isn’t about me. “We’ve had money, Ava. Money is why I’m smiling.”