“How does that change—”

“No one has time to prevent him or talk him out of it.”

I think about what Cal said, all the safety precautions. I can only believe Rowan has weighed the odds and decided it’s safe. I know Rowan… sort of. At least, I’ve been around him, and I’ve talked to him about his country. I still believe in him.

Reggie is frowning at me, and the bigger question is what now? I’m not foolish enough to think Reggie will continue bankrolling our presence here, and I’m also smart enough to know ten thousand dollars will last maybe three days in this pricey little kingdom. I’ve still got to get us home.

“So is it over? You’re done with Ava and me?”

Reggie’s lips press into a line, and he crosses an ankle over his knee. “In a word? No. You two have become unexpectedly useful.”

“How so?” The last thing I want is to be pulled into another plot against Rowan—or Cal.

Now that I’ve seen how close they are, I know anything that hurts Rowan, Cal will take as a personal injury as well. I sort-of love him for that. It’s so much how I feel about Ava. At the same time, that puts me in a very bad place with the man for whom I’ve developed such strong feelings.

“The two of you have both princes by the balls, to use a tacky expression. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and keep me in the loop on the crown prince. As long as you do that, I’ll keep your account filled.”

This new plan makes me feel even slimier than the first. I hate it, and I don’t want to do it. “You’re wrong. I didn’t even know Rowan was going to race the Grand Prix.”

“They have a security breach at Occitan. It’s possible not even his brother knew what he did today.”

“If there’s already a breach, you don’t need me.”

“Au contraire, Miss Wilder. I don’t know the rat. I don’t know who he or she works for. You’ll stay right where you are and answer any questions I have.”

The car pulls to a stop, and glancing out the window, I see we’re at the Brasserie where I’m meeting the other three for dinner.

“Or what?” My voice it a bit sharper than I feel inside, which is really sort of trapped and miserable.

Reggie’s eyes flash in response. “Or I’ll expose you for the lying little cunt you are.”

My stomach plunges, but I swallow back my tears. He couldn’t have been crueler if he’d slapped me across the face. Still, as much as I hate him, as much as he’s a miserable old fuck, he’s right. I lied.

I lied in a big, awful way, and when Cal finds out what I’ve done, my beautiful dream will be over. The most I can hope for now is damage control. I’ve got to find out what this snake is after and do my best to derail his plans.



As we wait for a table at the Brasserie, Cal is distracted watching for Zelda to appear. I want to be empathetic, but I can’t really think about anything but Ava.

When she ran up to the car this afternoon on the track, I felt for the first time like I had everything I wanted. The American conglomerate I’ve been working with emailed me this morning to give us the green light. We’ll start building clean-energy electric storage facilities by fall—funneling both a new stream of revenue and a new source of jobs into the nation.

Standing on the track, I had my new deal, my favorite pastime, and my beautiful girl all together. The only thing remaining is announcing my decision from this morning.

With the economic pressure leveling off, I want to celebrate. Reaching for Ava, I pull her against my chest at the bar as we wait for Zee to join us. She lifts the enormous hat off her head and smooths her hair back, smiling up at me. I can only smile back. I don’t give a shit if I’m wrapped around her delicate little finger.

“I want to take you back to Occitan and spend the rest of the day at the beach.” I don’t mention clothing optional.

“I would love that. I didn’t get to see it the other night.” Her green eyes sparkle, and my hold on her waist tightens. She turns to my brother. “Cal, where is Zee?”

My brother is distracted as he answers her. “She caught a ride with Reggie. Something about needing to discuss her uncle’s estate.”

Ava stiffens in my arms. “She what?”

Her voice is worried, and I can’t help wondering why she’s disturbed by Zelda’s being with Reggie. Personally, I’m still mildly furious at my uncle’s return. My mother tries to smooth it over, reminding me how I grew up with him and how at one point in time, my father trusted him.

She doesn’t know the conspiracy I overheard all those years ago. I don’t have proof of Reggie’s involvement, but I’m keeping him in my sights. The only thing holding me back from kicking him out again is the fact he brought Ava to me. She gives me the ability to tolerate his presence.