“Ooo, yes,” she gasps as I keep moving lower.

It’s possible I might never get enough of her beautiful body. Wrapping my arms around her thighs I spread her open so I can focus my attention directly on her clit. Her hips jerk and her hands fly to grasp my hair.

I need to be deep inside her, but I won’t take her without making her come, especially not after what she revealed to me. I want to show her how good this can be. I want all her orgasms. It only takes a few more concentrated passes before her hips are flexing, and she’s trying to squirm away.

“Rowan! Oh, god! I can’t… Stop!” She’s gasping and shaking, and I release her, kissing her lower stomach, just above that sensitive spot, rising up to her breasts, and finally arriving at her luscious lips.

She holds the back of my neck, kissing me hard, pulling me closer. It’s only a moment before we’re in position, and I plunge deep into her clenching insides. She’s so tight and hot, and I’m on the razor’s edge. It only takes a few hard thrusts before I’m shooting over the moon, releasing the tension that somehow seems to build up every night.

We’re entwined like contortionists, lying on our sides, easing down from another incredible high. Her face is pressed into my shoulder, and I hold her under the ass. Her long legs are wrapped around my waist, her arms around my neck.

“Didn’t think we could do it again?” I tease as I kiss her.

Her head tilts back, and she smiles. “I think I can sleep a little longer.”

“Go right ahead,” I say, running my fingers over her ear, pushing her silky hair off her flushed cheeks. “I’ll be right here when you wake.”

She exhales a laugh and her dreamy eyes meet mine. “I was thinking about the night we met. You never told me your favorite Robert Frost poem.”

“Since that night, it’s become ‘In the Clearing.’”

“And before that night?”

We shift in the bed, and I move to my back, holding her securely against my chest. I hadn’t thought about things like poetry or love in years before that night. “It would have been before my father died.”

I feel her tracing her fingers along the lines of my chest, and I try to remember ever feeling this level of contentment.

Her voice is a smooth vibration. “I always liked the little horse in ‘Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening.’”

“His impatient little horse, wondering why he’s feeling so contemplative.” It only takes a moment longer before I know my favorite. “‘Fire and Ice.’”

“Oh, I love that one.” Her head pops up, and a little grin is on her lips. “‘From what I’ve tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire’?”

I touch her lovely face again. “Especially now.”

She leans her cheek into my hand. “What are we going to do today?”

Thinking over my agenda, I decide to clear my schedule and spend the entire day with her. “Whatever you want. Name it.”

“Really?” Her brow lines, and I lean forward to kiss the frown away.

“Really. What would you like more than anything?”

“Hmm…” She slants her eyes as she thinks, and I can’t imagine what she’s going to say. “I want to see you race. Will you take me to the track and show me?”

It’s not what I expected, but it’s not an unwelcome suggestion. I only think about it a moment before I concede. “Yes, but I need to change. I guess you do as well. I’ll take you to your hotel, then I’ll pick you up at two and we’ll head to the track. Sound good?”

“I love it! I can’t wait.” She does a little bounce, and I can’t resist. I grab her around the waist and kiss her again.


Cal drops me off at the Fairmont with a kiss and a plan to meet for lunch. I’m supposed to be showering and changing into something fresh, but instead I’m back in my bed, deep beneath the covers reliving last night.

We didn’t make love three point seven more times. It was a full four more times. My entire body heats as I remember the last, him taking me from behind. He gripped my breasts and bit the back of my neck as he plunged so deep between my thighs. It’s a hot memory, and my hand slides down between my legs when I hear the door open and then slam shut. I freeze for a half second when the sudden jolt of a body landing on my bed causes me to crawl to the surface.

“Ava?” My head pokes out from under the blankets, and I see my sister lying on her back, her arms and legs sprawled out like a starfish.

She sighs as if she’s fallen into a vat of cotton candy. “I had sex with a king.” Then she laughs. “Correction, I had sex with the king. I pretty much spent the entire night last night having orgasms. Can you believe it?”