“What?” I say, hesitantly.

“I’m trying to figure out what’s got you so thrown. The fact that Rowan’s with Ava or vice versa.”

Taking a deep breath, I give just a little. “I’m worried about her. She’s younger than me, and… inexperienced.”

“You’re worried because she’s a virgin?”

My eyes flash. “That’s none of your business.”

Both his hands go up. “You said it.”

Now I feel even worse. I’m moving fast, and Cal’s right with me, waiting as I exchange my chips at the cashier and following as I go through the doors. I skip down the stairs, past the line of exotic, ultra-expensive sports cars parked out front, past the large, mirrored sculpture, to the line of fountains.

Only then I stop, stepping forward to the low wall surrounding the arched spray. Cal is beside me, hands in his pockets, and I’m sure he’s waiting for what the hell I’ll do next. I don’t even know.

Wrapping one arm over my stomach, I glance up at him. “I’m sorry, I just… I feel responsible for her.”

He smiles and steps to me, putting a hand on my waist and pulling me to his side. I don’t fight him. I kind of like the comfort of Cal’s arms. It’s the first time I’ve been with a man who didn’t make me feel defensive or protective in a long time.

“I think it’s nice you worry about your friend. It means you have a good heart.”

I look at my pewter nails, thinking about the reason we’re even in Monagasco. “I’m not so sure about that.”

He turns me to face him, and warm fingers catch my chin, forcing my eyes to his. “I’m sure.”

This time when he smiles, it’s different. He’s not teasing me, he’s not flirting. It’s genuine concern, and I feel a little shift in my chest, like something changed.

He leans forward and rests his forehead against mine. My eyes close, and I feel his lips touch my nose. It makes me smile. It makes my insides unclench.

“Thanks,” I say, leaning back. “I guess I had a moment. She is a grown woman, right?” As much as I hate not having a plan for this.

My lip catches in my teeth. I think about what I know of Rowan, how he helped me after I twisted my ankle, carrying me to my room, the ibuprofen and water, the gown the size of a circus tent. Then I think about my other concern. “You don’t think the guards will tell everyone, do you? That’s she’s with him?”

“They only told me because I asked, because of you.”

I feel a distinct sense of relief at those words. Cal’s fingers lace with mine as we approach the next fountain, and I step closer to his side. The arched water is lit with bright yellow lights, and for a moment we pause to watch it.

“You shouldn’t worry,” he says. “Rowan is pretty decent when it comes to women. He’s not an asshole like me.”

That makes me laugh. “How are you an asshole?”

A little shrug and we’re walking again. My heels make clicking noises on the beige stone pavers.

“It’s what the media calls me, the Playboy Prince.”

“What makes you a playboy?” I squint up at him, and he’s studying the path ahead of us.

“I don’t know,” he says quietly. “I’ve been caught in a few interesting situations.”

“Is that so?”

He clears his throat. “I think it’s more because I rarely date the same person twice. I get bored easily.”

“Hmm… I guess I’ve been warned.”

“Not you,” he says, with a laugh. “I can’t tell what you’re going to do from one moment to the next.”

We’ve rounded the last fountain, and beyond a stand of banana trees, I see the Paris Hotel rising into the sky. His proposal from earlier in the evening crosses my mind. I’m feeling less worried and more playful now that I know Ava’s safe and we’re not likely to be caught. At least not tonight.