My palm is flat against her lower back, holding her securely to me. “The Paris Hotel.”

“Mm,” she struggles, and I allow her to move.

She steps to the side, smoothing her hands over her dress, touching her lips lightly. I watch in frustration. I don’t want her pulling away from me.

“I only meant it would give us more privacy,” I say. “The guards don’t have to be with us there.”

Her eyes widen and she looks around. At once her cheeks flame red, and she covers them with her hands. “Oh my god, I forgot about the guards.”

Stepping forward, I take her in my arms. “Please don’t pull away. They’re an unfortunate byproduct of who I am, but I want to know you better.”

“What about Cal… and Zee? We should find them. We can’t just leave without a word.”

I hate that she has a point. “Cal will look out for your friend. She seems to enjoy his company better anyway.”

Emerald eyes flash to mine, so beautiful. “She thought she was coming here with you tonight. I’m ruining your plans.”

“The only plan I had for tonight was you.”

Pushing away, she shakes her dark head as she walks across the patio to the heavy stone rail. Her black skirt swirls around her legs, and the lines in her torso deepen as she walks. She’s so fucking gorgeous.

“I thought Cal was the playboy prince.” It’s a sharp accusation, and I’m taken aback.

“What does that mean?”

“It seems you get hummers from anonymous women, last night you kissed my sister, and tonight you want me to go to bed with you?”

I’m at a loss. My brain swiftly catalogs her complaints, searching for a rebuttal. “Your sister?”

“I… I mean… Yes!” She’s momentarily flustered. “Zee is like a sister to me. Sometimes we even call each other sister. Is that all you got from what I said?”

“No, I’m sorry, I just wasn’t following you for a moment.” I look away. The top of the enormous fountain is just visible over the hedges. “I don’t know what to say. Yes, I kissed Zelda last night. She had hurt her ankle, and I carried her to the house. It was a thank you kiss, nothing more.”

Her back is to me, and I want to break down these barriers. I want to have her. Perhaps that does make me a playboy prince, but I don’t think in those terms.

I touch her soft shoulder. “The first night I saw you, you quoted Robert Frost. Passionate preference; love at first sight. Why did you say those lines?”

Shanking her head, she does a little shrug. “It came into my mind. I don’t know why.” She walks away, crossing the space to the stone arch.

I’m right behind her, making her face me. “I’m not playing games, Ava. I want to know your mind. We can go back inside and find your friend, but after this night, I want to know you in every way. I don’t want anyone else.”

Her eyes move to my lips, and I know she isn’t offended by my words. I know she wants the same thing as me. I can feel it in her kiss.

“I should say no,” she answers. “I don’t want to be just a nameless face to you, another random woman who satisfies your needs and is later forgotten.”

“You’re so much more than that. Let me show you.”

She only hesitates a moment before surrendering to my request.



Cal steps between me and looking for Ava. “You walked out on me last night.” His full lips narrow into that sexy grin. “I want to be angry, but… Damn. Look at you.”

Not going there with him. “I like your coat,” I deflect, flicking a finger over his black sleeve. “Interesting detail. Is that paisley?”