“That’s right… He told me he loves racing.” I move back when Ava sticks her head in front of my computer. Pushing off the floor, I walk to the bedside table. “So he likes hummers and fast cars. Sounds like a typical guy to me.”


“How is that bad for the country? You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.”

“He’s destabilizing our economy. He’s shutting down our oil leases and meeting with experimental startup companies that would bankrupt the nation. He kicked out the existing cabinet, men with experience. I was in the middle of closing a deal with our neighboring country that would establish free trade routes—”

“That’s what you’re pissed about! You want control.”

“I want what’s best for Monagasco.”

We’re quiet again. I don’t know how to argue with him.

“I didn’t hire you to figure out our problems. I hired you to do a job.” Reggie’s accent gets thicker when he’s ticked. “Are you going to do it or not?”

As I think about his question, my eyes travel around the luxurious room. Funny how fast a person can get used to the finer things. All this started with a thousand-dollar plaque down my dress, and my overwhelming desire to secure our future. With a long exhale, I relent.

“I’ll do it, but I’m not lying when I say he’s not into me. Attraction is something money can’t buy.”

“You can’t be that naive. Rowan is attracted to your inheritance.”

“Fake inheritance.”

“I’ll put another ten in your online account. Buy something nice to wear tonight. The casino ha

s a strict dress code.”

We disconnect, and I glance back to where Ava is sitting at my laptop. The first photo is open again, and her lips are pressed into a thin line.

“Don’t look at that, Ave. It’s not fair.”

With a huff, she slaps the laptop closed before storming out of my room. Now I’m suspicious. I’m about to go after her when the phone rings again, stopping me.

“Grand central around here,” I mutter, lifting the black receiver.

A deep male voice is on the line. “Zelda? It’s Rowan.”

My heart jumps, and I snap back into character. “Rowan! Hello…” Scrubbing my fingers over my eyes, I try not to remember his expression in that first photo.

“Why did you leave in the night like that? Are you okay?”

“I… umm, Oh, you know. Strange room and all. I couldn’t sleep. Who knew my Uber app worked in Europe?”

“How is your ankle today?” His tone is stern, and I can’t tell if he’s concerned or angry.

“It’s totally better. I told you it would be. I’m sorry, I should have left a note—”

“And Ava? Is she feeling better today as well?”

“Yep, all good. She loves the roses you sent.”

“I’m glad.” He pauses only briefly. “The royal casino is something of a tourist attraction. I thought you might like to see it. Tonight. With me.”

My eyes narrow, and I pause. Is he asking me out? Maybe I’ll have to revise my statement to Reggie. Maybe our little clutch last night on the way up from the beach carried more weight than I thought. Then again there was that kiss… Not great.

“Ava is also welcome to join us,” he continues, and I know I’m right. It’s another group activity. “Cal will be with us.”

Panic fills my stomach. “Cal?” Shit, and I already said my ankle was better. No getting out of this one. “That sounds great. We’d love to go.”