“Do you know any other princes named Cal?”

I confess, despite my external misery over what I’ve done, that damn little fish is still flipping around inside my stomach when I think about last night. FML.

“I don’t know any other princes period.” She rises off the bed and walks around the room.

“I don’t know how I’m going to do the deal with Rowan now. How can I go after him when I’ve slept with his brother? I’ve ruined everything. We might as well start packing.”

She pauses, and holds her fingers to her lips. Judging by her profile, she doesn’t appear angry or even upset. I’m not sure what to make of how she’s reacting—or underreacting.

“I have to tell Reggie what I did,” I continue. “He’s going to flip his lid.”

“Is your ankle okay?” She returns to the bed and sits beside me, digging in the blankets and sheets for my foot.

I reach down and stop her search. “Ava! Did you hear what I said? I’ve killed the deal. Rowan isn’t going to look twice at me when he finds out what I did!”

“It’s true.” She’s smiling now, and I’m starting to wonder if her illness last night might have been mental. “Is it possible he won’t find out?”

“I don’t know. Cal will probably say something.” I push the covers back and stand. “Anyway, there’s no point in staying here now.”

My chest aches saying the words. The only reason I messed up like this is because I really like Cal. MacCallam Lockwood Tate sneaked his way into my heart, a

nd now the thought of leaving here, of never seeing him again… of never getting that ride…

“It’s going to take a while to get over,” I say quietly.

“Why do we have to leave?” Ava jumps forward, catching my hands. “Why can’t we just wait and see what happens?”

“What are you talking about, ‘Wait and see’? I can tell you what’s going to happen. We’re going to be exposed as frauds, and that will be the end of it. No exposed prince taking advantage of his country, no vindication for Reggie. We’re all out, and you and I have nothing.”

Her lips press into a tight frown. “We still have the ten-K, yes?”

Nodding, I walk over to my bag to fish out the black Amex card. It’s sitting in my wallet like an old fashioned insurance policy. “Yes,” I say, sadly. “We still have this. I guess we can keep it.”

The phone rings, but I’m not in the mood to talk. I want to crawl back under the blankets. I’d been hiding from the world under there, but also, secretly, I’d been reliving one of the best nights of my life, although I’d never admit it out loud.

Under the blankets, with my eyes shut tight, I revisit every kiss, every touch, every shiver and moan…

I can still feel his hard body against mine. I can still feel his warm skin as I trace my fingers along the lines of his chest, down his stomach, along the V of his obliques. I can still feel his rough kisses, and if I close my eyes, I can still see him sleeping just before I left him.

No one has ever made me laugh as much as he does. No one has ever helped me forget all the shit and simply let go. I’ll take him with me from this job, and no matter how much we’ve lost, I’ll always have him in my memories.

“It’s for you.” Ava holds the cordless room phone. “Reggie.”

I make a face and take it from her, my stomach in knots. “Good morning, Reggie.”

“Hello, there.” His voice isn’t as angry as I expected. “I have to say, you are the most unpredictable girl.”

“How so?” Maybe I’ll play dumb just a little bit longer. Ava wants to see what might happen.

“While I thought you’d spend the night, make a play for the king, have breakfast and possibly spend the day with him, you sneak off in the night, leaving him intrigued and wanting more.”

My cheeks flash with shock. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Don’t play games with me. We’re on the same side.” His voice is somewhere between agitated and amused. “I just got off the phone with his royal highness, and he plans to invite you to the Royal Casino this evening.”

“He’s not angry? He still wants to see me?”

“Apparently no, and yes, respectively.” Reggie pauses for a breath. “Clearly you know what you’re doing when it comes to Rowan. No one else ever does.”