Zee’s watching me with equal intensity, and I realize I should say something. “I hope your foot doesn’t hurt too much.”

“It feels okay, actually.” Her voice is quiet. “It really is an old injury. It’ll probably be fine in the morning.”

“Still, we should have it checked out.”

“I’m afraid you’re both overreacting.”

“It’s swollen, and you can’t walk. We’re not overreacting.”

Her bottom lip goes between her teeth, and I wonder if I should try kissing her. Just to see if something happens. I haven’t kissed Ava yet… My brow lines, and I almost growl. I can’t get her out of my head.

Zee misinterprets my mental distress. “I’m sorry. I’m too heavy. You don’t have to carry me.”

“No… it’s not that.” Racking my brains… “I was just thinking I need to find a nightgown for you to wear.”

“It’s too much trouble. I can go back to the Fontaine.”

“It’s no trouble at all. You’re staying here. That’s an order.”

Her eyebrows shoot up. “By order of the king?”

I exhale a laugh at the gruffness in my tone. “By request.”

“In that case, how can I say no?”

Damsel in Distress


I didn’t have to act too hard when Rowan swept me into his arms like some kind of swashbuckling hero. It was shocking and very sexy, and Reggie was right. A little damsel in distress helped get both of us on the right page, at least temporarily. In the moonlight, as he carried me, I was able to study him up close.

He’s such a focused, brooding fellow. His dark hair is a little too long, but it hangs in attractive waves around his temple and collar. His square jaw and lowered brow give him a sexy-menacing look that I’m sure sends panties flying. I know my heart beat a little faster when he looked at me. He’s strong and confident, and he’s got the bossy king persona down pat. But what nails it all, the icing on the cake, are his gorgeous blue eyes. They glow in all that dark deliciousness like the turquoise waters we just left behind.

Once we reach the house, he lowers me onto one of the cushioned loungers and kneels at the end, taking my injured foot in his large hands. I don’t miss Cal lurking in the background, arms crossed and frowning. It makes me want to tease him. I want to ask him if he’s jealous. What the hell? Get it together, Zelda!

“Does this hurt?” Rowan slides his hand up to the ball of my foot and gently pushes it toward me. I’m so glad I opted for that paraffin pedicure. My foot’s as soft as a baby’s bottom right now, and my nails are painted shimmering coral.

“It’s a little stiff,” I answer, giving him a smile.

“And this?” His hand slides over the top of my foot, slowly pulling it toward his chest in a point.

“That feels okay.”

Our eyes meet, and his lovely blue ones are warm. Suddenly my oversized rose-gold phone appears in my face. I jump back and glance up at Cal, who is giving me a perturbed look.

“You wanted to call your friend, remember?”

“My friend?” I’m confused. Oh, shit! “Ava! Of course.”

“Hmm,” he says and walks away.

“I’ll give you some privacy,” Rowan stands. “Let me know when you’re ready to go up. I’ll find something you can wear to sleep.”

“Thank you.”

I decide to send a text rather than call, since I’m pretty sure she’s asleep. I’m partway through when Reggie peeks out onto the terrace. He looks quickly back in the room before hustling over to where I sit.

“Great work!” His eyes are shining. “That ankle injury is just what we needed.”