Stepping into a pair of beige espadrilles, I give myself a reassuring look in the mirror, but it’s no good. My face is lined with worry.

Lunch will be here when I get back, but I can’t eat with this hanging over my head. I don’t know what Reggie will do when I tell him I quit. He could call Rowan and destroy us. Or he could simply have us kicked out of the hotel.

That dark possibility has me dashing back to grab my clutch off the kitchen counter. My phone, the room key, and that black credit card are inside, and I put all three in my pockets just in case.

Reggie’s room is only a few doors down from ours. As I walk, the space seems to expand like a telephoto lens. Cal is on my mind—what he’ll say if Reggie exposes us, losing him. My insides shiver. I had thought I could figure out Reggie’s plan and tell it to Cal. I had hoped it might redeem us in his eyes…

The thought Ava doesn’t know where I am drifts through my mind. Too late. I’m at his door. I have to do this now.

Lifting my fist, I’m all set to knock when I notice the door isn’t closed all the way. Placing my palm flat against the wood, I give it a gentle push, and the latch slips open. It falls away, revealing the vacant entrance. Two male voices are inside arguing, so I step quietly through the door, thankful my shoes make no sound.

“His deal with the Americans is finalized. He’s meeting with parliament now, with the queen tonight… She will support him.” Reggie’s voice is tense and urgent, and I have no idea what he’s talking about. “It’s over, Wade. We’re through”

“Calm yourself, Reginald,” the male voice I assume is Wade’s answers. “I’m meeting with Fayed this afternoon, and I intend to reassure him we will not be pulling out of his country. Their oil and gas production has just gotten off the ground, and with the countries unified, we’ll invest deep in their operations.”

“How do you intend to make that happen?” Reggie snaps back.

“Simple. The crown prince has given us the means to remove him as an obstacle.”

“Is that so? Do explain.”

My brain is moving fast. Cal said Wade Paxton was the Prime Minister of Totrington. He’s the man Rowan suspected of plotting with Reggie and Hubert to kill their father.

“We’ve had a plan in place since before the king died for eliminating these… impediments.” His voice is calm, sinister, and my chest tightens. “Rowan’s decision to enter the Grand Prix made it easier than ever. I’ve already set the wheels in motion, if you will.”

“What does that mean?” A tone I’ve never heard before is in Reggie’s voice. It sounds like fear.


“I mean the removal of the crown prince has begun.”

Ice filters through my veins. I sure as hell know that means.

Reggie’s disgusted laugh makes me swallow hard. Every muscle in my body is tense. “Why even pretend we’re working together, Wade? You’ve already planned everything without our council.”

“Don’t be a brooding old woman, Reginald. You had a plan. It was idiotic, so I launched a new one.” He pauses to chortle. “Idiotic… Why would Rowan choose one female over all the others?”

“Money, political expediency. I’m familiar with my nephew’s taste. I brought him a lady I knew would tempt him.”

My nose wrinkles. His word choice makes me feel like a call girl.

“And still he chose another,” Wade growls. “Such an obstinate young man. So arrogant and annoying.”

“Back to the point,” Reggie says. “Tell me about this plan.”

“While your trick with the girl was idiotic, you showed great foresight in bringing along a spare.”

“You mean Ava?” I hear movement as if he’s pacing. “I don’t see how she’ll help us any more than Zelda did.”

“She’s already helped us immensely,” Wade says. “He’s in love with her, and he’s doing this race to impress her.”

“I think you’re mistaken. He’s never given up racing. He only stopped competing.”

“Reginald.” Wade’s voice is condescending. “Are you being deliberately obtuse? Trust me. This is all about swinging around his big dick.”

“You’ve always been so colorful.” Reggie sniffs. “And what if it is?”

“What if he has an unfortunate accident?” Evil drips in his voice. “The poor, poor crown prince. It’s too bad if he’s taken out of the picture before he ever has the chance to finalize his deal.”