“Which is what we should be doing right now. Rowan has the right idea.”

“Right.” I’ve been so distracted since the car ride. “Where did Rowan and Ava go?”

“Paparazzi showed up. They’ll hound him until the race, I’m sure. Anyway, they took off for Occitan just before you arrived.”

I have to remember to act surprised about the race, even though Reggie told me about it in the car. “What race?”

“Apparently my older brother signed up for the Grand Prix this morning. I do hope you stick around for it. I’d like you to see it.”

Taking another sip of my wine, I think about all of it—time, Reggie, the race. “Remember how you told me Rowan kicked your uncle out of the kingdom?”

“He tried, anyway. Guess who’s back?”

“He came with us,” I say, thinking as the server places an artistically arranged platter of sushi in front of me.

“Nigiri, shrimp tempura, tuna…” he points out the different items on my plate, and I smile up at him in thanks.

Cal grabs a knife and cuts his burger. I lift the chopsticks and hope I remember how to use them. It’s been years since Seth showed me how. Thinking that name makes my old life feel so far away. I can’t imagine going back to it and ever feeling the same. Come on, Zelda, you’re smarter than this! You’ve out-conned Reggie once before; you can do it again.

“You said Rowan didn’t tell you exactly what made him do it… Did he at least give you the gist?” Anything I can use? I don’t say.

Cal leans back in his chair, chewing a bite of burger watching me. I mix a pinch of Wasabi into the small pool of soy sauce and go for a rich, pink slice of tuna. Holding my breath, I position the sticks in my hand and pick it up. Balance… it manages to ride from the sauce to my mouth without falling in my lap. The fresh flavor of good fish fills my mouth.

“Good work.” He grins. “I saw you sweating that bite.”

“I wasn’t sweating! It’s just been a while…”

He shakes his head and picks up a French fry. “Let me think… it was something about Hubert and forming an alliance with Twatrington that would essentially unite the two countries under a new government.”

“Can he do that?” My brow lines, and I look up at Cal still watching me.

He does a little shrug. “With a majority of votes he could. The economy was bad. Hubert was head of the Parliament at the time, and while the king is the titular leader, he doesn’t have total control.”

“It’s not a true monarchy?” I actually sound like I know what I’m talking about.

He takes another bite. “Constitutional.”

I go for the pink and green shrimp roll. It’s covered in a layer of rice with salty seaweed on top.

“Could something like that still work today?”

Cal’s eyes narrow, and he lifts his wine glass, taking a sip. “If Hubert were still in power it’s conceivable. Still, he’d have to change Rowan’s mind about such a unification, and my brother would die before he’d sell out Monagasco.”

Distracted, I stare at my colorful plate. My mind is desperate for a solution. Is it possible Reggie’s found a way around these obstacles—or he’s working on one?

“Is that why you rode with him today?” Cal’s voice has changed. It sounds harder. “Are you in league with my uncle to overthrow the government?”

My eyes fly to his. He’s watching me closely, and my forehead tightens. What would he say if I told him that’s exactly what brought me to his country? I was in league with Reggie to prevent Rowan being crowned king, thereby assuring his enemies control of the government.

Oh god. My insides die.

“What?” I manage a laugh, but it sounds off, even to me. “Why would you say something so crazy?”

Cal’s eyebrows lower, and for the first time since I’ve known him, a fierce light enters his eyes. MacCallam Lockwood Tate is an ass-kicker.

“You’re asking a strange line of questions, Zee. What’s this about?”

Sitting up straight, I place the chopsticks on the side of my plate, forcing my practiced brain to calm. It’s not the first time I’ve been in a tough situation. Poker face returned, I find a believable cover story.